Final Fantasy Wiki

Kuza Beast, also known as Kuzer, is an enemy in Final Fantasy V fought outside of the Sealed Castle. It can also be found as a storyline enemy in the Phoenix Tower, where players have to choose the correct switch or risk fighting a Kuza Beast. The Kuza Beast in the Phoenix Tower doesn't count in the bestiary.

Its sole attack is ????, making it a hard opponent to beat when first encountered in Galuf's world. ???? can be learned as a Blue Magic spell. The Kuza Beast can be controlled by a Beastmaster, or struck with an attack that reduces HP to critical, such as Death Claw or Missile, followed by a regular attack to defeat it. The one around the Sealed Castle is also susceptible to Level 4 Graviga and Level 2 Old. The one in Phoenix Tower is susceptible to Level 3 Flare.



Phoenix Tower


Related enemies[]
