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Max Trust Mastery

Kupolkan is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Kupolkan's Trust Master reward is the Clown Staff staff.



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4★ - No. 0707:

A cheerful girl in a clown costume. Kupolkan is always with her moogle friend wherever she goes, as they never part ways. A free spirit in battle, she never attacks directly, but rather supports her comrades from afar. When she does attack, she flings her moogle friend at her enemies, though this is no cause for concern as they both enjoy it.

5★ - No. 0708:

A happy go-lucky girl who travels the world in high spirits. Rumor has it that Kupolkan shows up with her moogle friend whenever anyone is depressed or sad, and refuses to disappear until said person has been cheered up. She journeys far and wide to spread joy to others, and yet no one seems to know her true identity.

6★ - No. 0709:

A mysterious girl who travels the world with her friend--a moogle. Kupolkan's real identity remains a secret to many, though she has the rare talent to befriend both young and old with her cheerful disposition. Rumor has it that even those most aggressive in nature put away their swords when in her presence, talking and enjoying themselves with smiles upon their faces.

Entries for different versions of Kupolkan.



Kupolkan's stats at her highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check*(Maximum LB crystals drop per hit)
4★ 60 1958 (+210) 93 (+45) 63 (+14) 71 (+14) 65 (+14) 86 (+14) 1 8 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ 80 2546 (+240) 121 (+60) 82 (+16) 93 (+16) 85 (+16) 113 (+16) 1 10 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ 100 3311 (+390) 158 (+85) 107 (+26) 121 (+26) 111 (+26) 148 (+26) 1 12 FFBE Limit Burst crystal


Ability Level
Stona 30
Mog Waltz Practice 18
Play 60
SPR +10%*(Passive) 44
Ability Level
Frigid Step 26
Boost 50
Torrent Step 67
Kupopo Dance 80
HP +20%*(Passive) 12
Ability Level
Esunaga 66
Abyss Step 40
Static Step 83
Tease 100
Moogle Cheer*(Passive) 1
MP +20%*(Passive) 21


Kupolkan can equip the following weapons: staves.

She can equip the following armors: hats, clothes and robes.

She can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
4★ Kupolkan Power Base (Level 1): Heal (2000 HP, 8x) to all allies. Cure all status ailments to all allies.
Max (Level 20): Heal (2000 HP, 9.4x) to all allies. Cure all status ailments to all allies.
- 12 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ Kupolkan Power Base (Level 1): Heal (2000 HP, 10x) to all allies. Cure all status ailments to all allies.
Max (Level 20): Heal (2000 HP, 11.9x) to all allies. Cure all status ailments to all allies.
- 16 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ Kupolkan Power Base (Level 1): Heal (2000 HP, 12x) to all allies. Cure all status ailments to all allies.
Max (Level 25): Heal (2000 HP, 14.4x) to all allies. Cure all status ailments to all allies.
- 20 FFBE Limit Burst crystal

Awakening Materials[]

5★ 6★
Rainbow Needle x25
Lucky Seedling x13
Sacred Crystal x15
Brilliant Ray x8
Holy Crystal x8
Rainbow Bloom x20
Fairies' Writ x10
Calamity Writ x10
Calamity Gem x5
Divine Crystal x5


Rarity Summoned Fused Awoken
4★ Wow! I've made a new friend! Well then, what shall we do? Level up! It seems I've become stronger! -
5★ From today, I am your friend! Let's all play together! I'm growing ever stronger! Maybe I'm even a bit taller? I have awoken! Now I can play even more!
6★ Let's do all sorts of fun and interesting things together! Even Mogmog has grown stronger! Yay! W-wow! My body is all sparkly! How beautiful!



  • Kupolkan was selected as one of the winning designs in the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Japanese unit art contest.