Krysta is a boss from Final Fantasy VIII, encountered on the Terrace of Ultimecia Castle. It is one of Ultimecia's eight minions. To get to the Terrace the party must cross the chandelier from where Sphinxaur was battled, but it must be fixed in place via a lever in the floor below or it will drop when stepped upon.

Counter Rocket.
Counter Rocket is a counterattack to all types of attack except physical and offensive items, which damages according to characters' Vitality stat. Stronger Counter Rocket is used as a counterattack to physical attacks only. When defeated, Krysta will cast its final move, Ultima, which will hit all characters, doing especially devastating damage to those with low Spirit. The player can draw Carbuncle from it if it was missed earlier.
The party should use magic attacks, such as draw-casting Holy. Summoning Cerberus lets the party use numerous spells in one turn, speeding up the battle.
Due to Krysta's relatively low HP, it is easy to defeat with just one attack. Casting Meteor, preferably in conjunction with Double or Triple, will most likely kill it right away. Another strategy is summoning Diablos, then Cactuar; if both Guardian Forces are at a considerable level, Krysta will be defeated. The party can also use Kamikaze for an easy win.
If the player has already unlocked Items, they can use offensive items, which Krysta cannot counter.
Triple Triad[]
Krysta is a Level 6 Boss Card in Triple Triad used for playing the minigame and for turning into Holy Stones (1:10) with Quezacotl's Card Mod. It is a rare outcome from successfully carding a Bomb or a Buel. Krysta cards are good cards to have early on for card modding purposes.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Cocytus or Kokytos (Κωκυτός, lit. "lamentation") is a river in the underworld in Greek mythology.
In Inferno, the first part of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, Cocytus is the ninth and lowest circle of Hell where traitors are frozen in a lake of ice. Dante's Satan is imprisoned waist deep in ice at the very center of Hell.
Its English name derives from the word "crystal". Its field entity reference in the data is "cristal".