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Kottos is an enemy in Final Fantasy X unlocked in the Monster Arena's Area Conquest after the player has captured at least one of each fiend from the Mi'ihen Highroad. The party will acquire 99 Soul Springs for unlocking it. It shares its model with the Bashura.



Kottos starts by indefinitely switching to its Counter status, signified by the raising of its fists, regardless of preemptive, Agility, or a player's First Strike ability. Kottos has a high Strength stat, and will counter every player attack that targets it. Its regular attack will always target the character with the highest Strength.

Kottos drops two to three slot equipment, with one or all of them having abilities. It drops weapons with Counterattack as a fixed ability, and it can also have Magic Counter. It can drop armor with HP +10%, HP +20% and HP +30%, with the latter being a fixed ability. Due to Counterattack always being present, Kottos will never drop Evade & Counter weapons, as they cannot coexist with Counterattack.


When the player first begins to capture fiends, Kottos may seem hard, and the player may have to build up the party's stats. Kottos has only 440,000 HP, which is low compared to other Area Conquest fiends.

One way to beat it is cast Protect on the party's tank, and then use Sentinel so that they will take all enemy attacks, saving the other party members.

Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Haste, Auto-Potion, and Auto-Protect along with HP +%s help since Kottos always waits for a response through the use of counterattacks. Evade & Counter or Counter are also useful. It is best to save the MP for defense and rely more on standard attacks.

Another way is to already have Anima with maxed Strength, ~110 Magic, ~13,000 HP, Protect, Drain, and Doublecast. She should cast Protect and, if Agility and Luck are sufficient, execute a regular attack on her second turn. Kottos will follow up with two attacks, which should bring Anima's HP to around 3,000. Doublecasting Drain refills Anima's HP.

Thanks to the large quantity of Healing Springs it drops, Kottos is a useful enemy for farming spheres. Using a Distill-type item or ability on it will cause it to drop spheres instead, up to 40 with an Overkill, and the player has full control over what type of spheres it will drop.


Kottos is one of the Hekatonkheires. The Hecatoncheires were children of Gaia and Uranus who were thrown into Tartarus as soon as they were born. They were released by Zeus, and aided him in overthrowing Cronos. They were giants depicted with one hundred arms (and sometimes even fifty heads). The name (Εκατόγχειρες - Hecatonchires) is of Greek origin: Hecaton (εκατόν-) means one hundred and chires (-χείρες) means hands.

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