Final Fantasy Wiki

The Knocker is an enemy exclusive to the Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary releases of Final Fantasy. It can be found in the deepest levels of the Whisperwind Cove and within the Labyrinth of Time. It is a common enemy in these dungeons and has a high chance of dropping Hi-Potions, providing crucial resources in the grueling dungeons.



Number Enemies Maximum Can flee? Ambush% Musical theme Location Rate/64
319 Knocker x1-5 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Ice B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B31-39 12
Whisperwind Cove - Flying Fortress B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Giant's Cave B31-39 24
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B31-39 24
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B21-29 6
Whisperwind Cove - Waterfall Cavern B31-39 24
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B31-39 24
330 Black Goblin x1-4, Knocker x0-2 9 small Y 4 Battle Whisperwind Cove - Cavern of Earth B21-29 7
Whisperwind Cove - Feyhome B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Floating Continent B21-29 12
Whisperwind Cove - Marsh Cave B21-29 18
Whisperwind Cove - Western Keep B21-29 18

AI script[]

Action Probability
Attack 100%
Flee Morale check
Morale check
# Fear Morale Min flee level 100% flee level % at max level
0 180 0%
1 140 61 76.47%
2 100 21 71 100%
3 60 1 31 100%
4 20 1 1 100%


Knocker is a mythical creature in Welsh, Cornish and Devon folklore. They are the equivalent of Irish leprechauns and English and Scottish brownies. About two feet tall and grizzled, but not misshapen, they live beneath the ground.

Related enemies[]
