Brandt's adventure begins in Horne on his fourteenth birthday, the time when it is custom for males to present themselves to King Horne to become a man. At Horne Castle, Brandt is ordered to go find Princess Aire and save her from the Witch of the North. After succeeding in saving Aire, Brandt and the others return to Horne to discover the entire village has been turned to stone and King Horne has gone missing. The party splits up into two groups and try to find a way to save Horne.
After being sent fifteen years into the past, the party goes to Horne on the day Aire is born. The group follows the King and the minister into the Magic Laboratory and discover that King Horne made a deal with Louhi to obtain the ultimate magic in exchange for Aire. After defeating Louhi, the party finds out that King Horne is actually the demon Satan and the real King Horne is actually the parrot in Brandt's house. The party returns to the Magic Laboratory and defeats Satan, returning the kingdom to normal. In the castle, the King thanks the party and gives the party the Desolator Tome.
At the end of their adventure the heroes return to Horne. The King wants Aire to stay at the castle and resume her position as the princess, but Aire resists, reluctant to return to the boring life of royalty. The dragon calls the heroes for another adventure, and as the heroes rush out of the castle, Aire follows telling the King that she is now a Hero of Light and her duty is to protect the world.
Spoilers end here.