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Final Fantasy Wiki

King Behemoth is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII that appears in a single area of the Northern Cave.


  1. King Behemoth never uses Flare, unless Manipulated.
  2. Comet2 is only used as a 100% counter-attack against magical attacks.


# Formation
892 King Behemoth


Northern Cave
Vertical Fork 892
Light Cavity 892
Rocky Descent 892
Above Mako Stream 892
Mako Stream 892


FFVII Behemoth Horn

Behemoth Horn.

King Behemoth uses powerful physical attacks and strong magic in the form of Comet2. Comet2 is only used as a 100% counter-attack against magical attacks. King Behemoth has no elemental weaknesses, has high HP and strong magic resistance. However, it is weak to almost every negative status effect.


King Behemoths can be reduced to a sleeping, confused frog with Bad Breath or the Hades summon. The player can link Hades with Added Effect to a physical attacker's weapon. Frog Song also works as well as regular status spells. Being at Level 60, King Behemoth is also vulnerable to both L5 Death and L4 Suicide.

AI script[]

AI: Setup {

SpclChance = 6

} AI: Main {

1/3 Chance: TempVar:ChosenAtt = <Behemoth Horn>
1/3 Chance: TempVar:ChosenAtt = King Teel
1/3 Chance: TempVar:ChosenAtt = Bite
Choose Random Opponent
Use TempVar:ChosenAtt on Target
If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use TempVar:ChosenAtt on Target

} AI: Counter - General {

If (King Behemoth's HP <= 25% of King Behemoth's Max HP) Then
SpclChance = 2
} Else If (King Behemoth's HP <= 50% of King Behemoth's Max HP) Then {
SpclChance = 3
} Else If (King Behemoth's HP <= 75% of King Behemoth's Max HP) Then {
SpclChance = 4
} Else {
SpclChance = 6

} AI: Counter - Magical {

If (King Behemoth's MP >= 110) Then
Choose All Opponents
Use Comet2 on Target




Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. In addition to mythological creatures, it is likened to dinosaurs, especially sauropods, as well as elephants, hippos, rhinos, and bison. Metaphorically, the term behemoth denotes "an extremely large or powerful entity".

Related enemies[]
