The King Behemoth, also known as the BehemoKing, is an enemy in Final Fantasy V. It is a powerful creature fought in the deepest area of the final dungeon and the Sealed Temple bonus dungeon in the game versions that include it.
King Behemoths have high HP and Attack Power, and will counter any magic attack with Meteor. This includes summon spells and, in the now defunct mobile/Steam version, Berserk. It is susceptible to Level 2 Old.
Outside the now defunct mobile/Steam version, inflicting it with berserk stops King Behemoths from countering, making them trivial to defeat. The player can also use control and make it use ???? on itself to kill it without losing control over the creature.
King Behemoths are only immune to the "mini" status effect, and thus are easy to crowd control through spells. Black Mages can attempt to Toad them them, Blue Mages can attempt to Pond's Chorus or Doom them, and Oracles (for the GBA/defunct mobile/defunct Steam releases) can outright kill them easily with "Doom". Mystic Knights can apply Break with their Spellblade to petrify them.
Another viable, albeit luck-based strategy, is to use Gaia, which has a chance of reducing King Behemoth's HP to single digits with Twister. However, King Behemoths may still counter with meteor.
It is safe to have a whole party use Zeninage (regardless ofthe character's job/row) to defeat it (and other enemies), so long as there is enough Gil.
In the GBA and the defunct mobile and Steam versions, Lenna's elemental Finisher ability will instantly kill it.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Portal App[]
King Behemoth from Final Fantasy V appears as a Triple Triad card.
Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. In addition to mythological creatures, it is likened to dinosaurs, especially sauropods, as well as elephants, hippos, rhinos, and bison. Metaphorically, the term behemoth denotes "an extremely large or powerful entity".