Final Fantasy Wiki

Kefka is a cinematic enemy that appears on various occasions in Final Fantasy VI.

The party fights Kefka twice as cinematic sequences rather than actual battles, in which Kefka uses his field sprite rather than his battle sprite, and the battles end when Kefka is damaged in any way, meaning his stats go unused. Kefka also has cinematic cutscenes where the battle sequence is entirely scripted.

The cutscene monster has also an unused formation (#510), which does not cause the monster to load a cutscene. The battle will still continue, but the monster cannot be defeated without making it targetable.


The game treats cinematic Kefka like a party member rather than an enemy. He is added to the party roster as a hidden character during Terra's flashback and has stats and equipment similar to other characters. When the stats are assigned, his Levels (and as a consequence HP/MP) are based on party average.

FFVI GBA Kefka 2 stats

Kefka 2 stats menu

There are five times when Kefka's stats (and equipment) are assigned:

After the Unnamed esper fight, cinematic Kefka will still occupy the last roster slot as a hidden character for the rest of the game.


Kefka has the following possible equipment assignments:

Name Right Hand Left Hand Head Body Relic 1 Relic 2
Kefka 1 Morning Star Mythril Helm Mythril Vest Ribbon
Kefka 2 Morning Star Mythril Helm Mythril Vest Ribbon
Kefka 3 Morning Star Paladin's Shield Ribbon
Kefka 4 Morning Star Mythril Helm Mythril Vest Ribbon
Kefka 5[note 1] Morning Star Mythril Helm Mythril Vest Ribbon
Kefka 6[note 1]
Kefka 7[note 1]
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Unused


Imperial Camp[]

Since Kefka is treated as a party member and doesn't have any commands assigned, he uses an unnamed monster to load his AI behavior. Kefka's level, HP, and MP vary depending on the party's level; the higher the party's level, the higher Kefka's level, HP, and MP will be. He comes equipped with a Morning Star, Mythril Helm, Mythril Vest, and a Ribbon. The only thing Kefka does in battle is physically attack Sabin and Shadow (if the player recruited him). Damaging Kefka ends the battle. The player can simply use a Teleport Stone to end the battle, as one can be found in South Figaro.

Cave to the Sealed Gate[]

Kefka again loads his AI behavior from an unnamed monster. Kefka's level, HP, and MP again vary depending on the party's level and he comes equipped with the same things he had previously. Kefka has a better battle script compared to the last battle in the Imperial Camp, but after taking enough damage, the battle ends. Summoning offensive espers will not work on Kefka. The player can simply use a Smoke Bomb to end the battle, the only means of escape as the shoulder buttons are disabled.

As the battle is easy, Kefka often never has a chance to use his special attack. When Kefka uses his special attack, called Hit, the special attack's name does not appear in the textbox (See blank special attack bug). Kefka's special attack won't hit so the player will never see the effect of it.


This unnamed placeholder monster loads the following Kefka related battle cutscenes:

In addition, there is a cutscene where Kefka fights an unnamed esper. He also appears during Terra's flashback.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
384 — (Kefka) N Y N N Sides, individual None 0
Bridge part 1 special event flag (Cave to the Sealed Gate).
385 — (Kefka) N Y N N Sides, individual None 0
Bridge part 2 special event flag (Cave to the Sealed Gate).
386 — (Kefka) Y N N N Sides, individual Battle 0
Bridge part 3 special event flag (Cave to the Sealed Gate).
389 — (Kefka) N Y N N Sides, individual None 0
Bridge part 4 special event flag (Cave to the Sealed Gate). Hide start messages. Cannot escape.
390 — (Kefka) Y N N N Sides, individual None 0
Bridge part 5 special event flag (Cave to the Sealed Gate). Cannot escape.
393 — (Kefka) Y N N N Sides, individual None 0
Bridge part 6 special event flag (Cave to the Sealed Gate). Cannot escape.
504 Kefka Y N N N Sides, individual Battle 0
Kefka vs Sabin special event flag (Imperial Camp). Hide start messages.
510 — (Kefka) Y N N N Sides, individual Battle 0
Bridge part 6 (Cave to the Sealed Gate). Hide start messages.

AI script[]

Imperial Camp[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (100%)

If attacked:

Trigger event Kefka vs Sabin
End battle

Cave to the Sealed Gate[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Poison (33%) or Fira (33%) or Dischord (33%)
2nd Turn: Attack (66% [100% in GBA version]) or Hit [SNES/PS] (33%)
3rd Turn: Attack (33%) or Rasp (33%) or Slow (33%)

If attacked by anything: Attack (33%)

1 added to VAR000

If variable VAR000 is greater than or equal to 3

Set VAR000 to 0
Target: Self
Potion or Hi-Potion

If killed:

Display text: Oh! Th-the door is opening!
End battle


If monster is in formation #384

Trigger event Sealed Gate, intro
Monster #1 is killed

End if

If monster is in formation #385

Trigger event Sealed Gate, open
End battle

End if

If monster is in formation #386

Trigger event Blackjack, esper attack
End battle

End if

If monster is in formation #389

Trigger event Sealed Gate, espers flying to Thamasa
End battle

End if

If monster is in formation #390

Trigger event Sealed Gate, Kefka with two soldiers dodging flying espers (dummied)
End battle

End if

If monster is in formation #393

Trigger event Floating Continent, Kefka vs Emperor Gestahl
End battle

End if
End first wave of attack


Related enemies[]
