Keeping the Ledger script
Good day to you, miss/sir. How may I help you? Oh, you wish to help me? Well, your timing couldn't be better. It would seem I have misplaced the record of sales for my most esteemed client: Saint Endalim's Scholasticate.
Said client has requested another volume from the Seventy-two Articles of Halonic Polity. There are fourteen in total, and try as I might, I cannot recall which one they specified.
Surely you can imagine how embarrassing it would be were I to ask them again myself, and they to learn the reason why. That's why I need you to go in my stead. No need for overt inquiries, mind. Just make small talk and surreptitiously examine the shelves to see what might be missing.
The last thing I need is to tell clients I've forgotten their order. Please go to the scholasticate and find out which volume is missing.
Oh, pardon me. The Seventy-two Articles? Why, yes, I've been poring over volumes twelve and thirteen.
The subject matter is quite dense─hardly something that could be handled in a single sitting. If you have need, I could bear to part with them for a short while.
No? I see... In that case, I shall continue my studies.
The subject matter of volumes twelve and thirteen is quite perplexing. But to become a clergyman requires diligence and great sacrifice.
Hah! A lowborn stumbles into the scholasticate and thinks herself/himself qualified to study Orthodox doctrine. How droll.
Our facilities are reserved for those who have potential, like myself. I'll have you know that I'm working through the final volume of the Seventy-two Articles.
A simpleton like you could spend a lifetime in study and fail to comprehend a single word, I expect. But don't let me dissuade you. Start with volume one and mull over the first few pages for a year or so.
For the last time, I'm reading through the fourteenth volume. You can count, can't you?
<sigh> I will never understand why they let you people in here.
You are studying the Seventy-two Articles as well? <sigh> I suppose that makes one of us. I require volume four, but it has yet to be returned. It outlines the canon laws of the Ishgard Orthodoxy.
In truth, these books are all rather dense, especially after the eleventh volume. You must memorize the teachings of the fourth to set a foundation for everything that follows.
Leigh was the last to borrow it as far as I know, but he's been so busy of late. Something about helping children being bullied. If he is truly so busy, I wish he would at least return the book to us.
I believe Leigh still has the fourth volume. If I had known he would keep it for so long, I would have skipped ahead in my studies to pore over it.
The Seventy-two Articles...? Ah, I do recall borrowing a volume─which one I cannot say. Would that I had time to read it.
Truth be told, my so-called schoolmates have kept me rather preoccupied of late. Not a day goes by without them pulling some childish prank on my dear friend Theomocent. Well, they try at least. I do what I can to see their plans come to naught.
<sigh> To know they will move on to become clergymen, or even prelates... We live in a truly unjust world.
Hm? Yes, I borrowed a volume of the Seventy-two Articles, though I cannot remember which.
Back from the scholasticate? Good. So, which volume are they missing?
Hmmm... No, I'm fairly certain they have a copy of that volume.
Ah, volume eleven! Yes, that's it, I remember now! Phew, my business and reputation are safe thanks to you.
As I'm sure you can imagine, falling out of their good graces would bode ill for business. The scholasticate is the cornerstone of education within the church, and all members of the clergy must pass through its doors.
With but a word from the headmistress I could lose everything I own, or worse...
But thanks to you, my dear madam/my good sir, my business is safe. You've helped me more than you'll ever know.
Quest complete.