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Hozan would brief you on the mission to rescue Raubahn.

Quest description

Keeping the Flame Alive Keeping the Flame Alive is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • There is no telling when Raubahn may be executed. Make your preparations without delay, and signal your readiness to begin the mission to the waiting Hozan.
  • With the aid of Alphinaud and Yugiri, you have succeeded in rescuing Raubahn from the clutches of the traitorous Crystal Braves. Make your way back outside to eastern Thanalan.
  • You emerge in the hot desert air. Speak with Doware, who awaits your return.
  • Outside Halatali, you are approached by a messenger, who claims that his mistress is sympathetic to your cause. For your own safety, he bids you make your way to the Waking Sands. Speak with Alphinaud to learn what he thinks of this mysterious invitation.
  • Alphinaud is sufficiently convinced that the messenger and his mistress can be trusted. Do as bade and make your way to western Thanalan, where your old haunt the Waking Sands still stands.
  • Upon arriving at the Waking Sands, you are greeted by a number of familiar faces─Urianger, Pipin, and Papashan. Soon after, it is revealed that the messenger's mistress is no less an individual than Dewlala, head of the Order of Nald'thal and member of the Syndicate. To Raubahn's immense relief, she confirms Alphinaud's suspicion that Nanamo is still alive, and goes on to speculate that the sultana may be confined somewhere in a state of induced slumber. Trouble Alphinaud for his thoughts on these revelations.
  • Alphinaud thanks you for your part in Raubahn's rescue. With the Flame General safe, your work in Ul'dah is done for now.


  • Speak with Hozan.
  • Speak with Doware in front of Halatali.
  • Speak with Alphinaud.
  • Enter the Waking Sands.
  • Speak with Alphinaud.


Keeping the Flame Alive Keeping the Flame Alive script
Houzan There is no time to lose─General Aldynn may be executed at any moment. You must enter Halatali and free him from his captors.
Houzan Please see to your preparations, and tell me when you are ready to proceed. One of our own will accompany you inside.
Alphinaud Raubahn's ties to Halatali are well known. That Ilberd should choose this of all places to stage his execution is no coincidence. The fiend... Are there no depths to which he will not stoop?
Yugiri He is bound by some manner of magitek device. Yet I dare not force it open─it may well be booby-trapped.
Alphinaud I have heard of such devices. The Crystal Braves will possess the key. Let us split up and look for it.
Yuyuhase That will not be necessary.
Yuyuhase Pray do not take it personally, my friends. You are the victims of harsh economic conditions.
Yuyuhase Happily, you will not suffer for long. This poison will convey you swiftly unto the bosom of Thal, where I hope to join you, after the passing of many prosperous years.
Raubahn My...thanks... <cough>
Alphinaud Slowly, General. You are yet weak from your ordeal.
Yugiri Nevertheless, we must quit this place.
Ilberd I should have known. What are clever contrivances to the Warrior of Light? ...Well done, hero.
Alphinaud Ilberd...
Ilberd You mean to struggle on, then? Very well. If you would stand in my way, I will cut you down like all the rest.
Ilberd Come, Scions─let's get this over with.
Yugiri The General is safe. What news without?
Douware My lady. The guards have been subdued, as per your command.
Douware We have since kept watch over the entrance. There has been no further activity.
Yugiri Then Ilberd and his minions have fled via some other egress. Scour the perimeter for signs of their passing.
Douware At once, my lady!
Messenger01601 General Aldynn, I presume, and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Alphinaud Who are you!? Identify yourself!
Messenger01601 Pray do not be alarmed. My mistress is a friend, and I come bearing a message of goodwill.
Messenger01601 For your own safety, she bade me direct your steps to the Waking Sands. Know that Master Urianger awaits you there, along with others sympathetic to your cause.
Messenger01601 This is no ruse, I assure you. General Aldynn─if you will come with me, I have prepared a carriage, that you may travel in comfort, safe from prying eyes.
Alphinaud I have spoken with Urianger via linkpearl. He confirms the man's story.
Alphinaud Raubahn is in safe hands. Let us make our own way to Vesper Bay.
Alphinaud Raubahn is in safe hands. Let us make our own way to Vesper Bay.
Messenger01601 It is only prudent to be wary, but you may be assured that this is no ruse. Pray leave the care of General Aldynn to us, and make your way to the Waking Sands. Friends await you there.
Yugiri Be at ease, my friend. I have an idea who this messenger's mistress might be...
Alphinaud I had not counted on Prioress Dewlala herself appearing. In my defense, my suspicions regarding the sultana proved more prescient.
Alphinaud Much remains to be done, but in rescuing Raubahn, we have taken a vital first step towards resolving matters in Ul'dah. We couldn't have done it without you, [Player Name]. Thank you.
Papashan Thank you for rescuing General Raubahn. From the bottom of my heart. To behold him now, gaunt and unkempt... It pains me to think of all the hardship he has endured.
Papashan I shall not forget what you have done for General Raubahn. You have saved more than just a man.
Quest complete.