Keeper of the Farseer is a time-limited event in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Caius from Final Fantasy XIII-2 can be added to Mog's group of warriors. This paralogue of the main scenario may include characters not yet recruited by the player.
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Two Guardians:
Depending on your progress in the story, characters you have yet to recruit may appear in these events.
- Serah: I think we've cleaned up this area. It looks like the monsters are all gone.
- Noel: Got it. Then let's... Who's that?
(Caius is seen entering a Torsion)
- Noel: Caius!?
(Noel runs after Caius)
- Firion: Noel! Don't run off alone! Come on, let's go!
- Seven: ...What an odd place. It feels...stagnant.
- Serah: Wh-what's that!?
(An Evil Eye defeats a pair of Skeletons)
- Quistis: The monsters are fighting each other! What in the world...
- Caius: Here, one can efficiently absorb power. It is a space to guide a visitor into the world...
- Caius: A distorted mechanism made to sate the desires of one from your world.
- Firion: Our world... You mean the Emperor!?
- Seven: ...Then why are you here? I'm sure you didn't come here just to tell us that.
- Caius: I will take advantage of his plans...
- Caius: And use that power for myself!
(Caius summons a Planesgorger)
- Firion: Shinryu!? I see... The Emperor wanted to lure it in!
- Caius: Unfortunately it is still a larva... But it can still open holes in dimensions and connect worlds.
- Caius: Turning order into chaos...
- Serah: Are you going to connect to Seven's world again!?
- Quistis: Wait! We must deal with Shinryu first!
- Quistis: I doubt we'll get any answers if we don't.
(After a battle, the Planesgorger is slain)
- Serah: Everything seems fine for now.
- Seven: I told you before. Even if you connect to our world, the rules won't change. Even if you forget, the past stays the same.
- Caius: Can you prove that is not your own false assumption?
- Seven: What...!?
- Caius: You've experienced it before. When someone is erased from everyone's memories, they cease to exist.
- Serah: ...You're right. When everyone forgot about Lightning except for me, she disappeared.
- Caius: Memories and reality are closely linked. Is this not the greatest proof there is?
- Serah: Well... Even so...!
- Caius: Memories of sadness will be buried. People can revel in happiness and the timeline will be restored to its rightful path.
- Firion: Do you really think that's right...!?
- Noel: You won't find happiness there.
- Noel: What you really want to erase is Yeul's fate of dying over and over again!
- Noel: You're supposed to protect Yeul.
- Caius: ...What makes you think that?
- Noel: Because you're just like me! You're a Guardian of Yeul!
Words of Lasting Faith:
(Caius fends off Noel)
- Caius: What's the matter? I thought you were better than this.
- Noel: I've got my reasons!
(Noel clashes with Caius again)
- Noel: Locke, a little help!
- Locke: Got it!
- Caius: Gck...!
- Locke: We'll be taking these—your dimensional coordinates.
- Caius: What do you intend to do with them?
- Noel: The others told me I could see where you are with these.
- Fran: We will know if you make any suspicious movements. So behave.
- Caius: If you are so wary of me, why not strike me down now?
- Caius: Wouldn't that be easier for you?
- Warrior of Light: No. We heard that you trapped Noel.
- Noel: I won't make the same mistake again. I'm sure you're scheming something.
- Caius: ...You are on your guard. So there are no missing fragments in your memories, Noel.
- Noel: ...I don't want to strike you down, Caius.
- Noel: I wanted to be better than you and stop you...
- Noel: Think it over. Don't get this world involved, too. I think Yeul would be...sad, if you did.
- Caius: ...Use my coordinates as you see fit. No matter what you say, I will not change my mind.
- Noel: Caius!
- Caius: I stayed true to my oath for a long time. Do not underestimate the power of my will.
(Caius disappears)
- Noel: ...It didn't work.
- Rosa: Don't lose hope. There will be another chance, I'm sure of it.
- Rosa: We'll call for him as many times as it takes.
- Locke: Right. We have his coordinates, after all. So we know where he is.
- Noel: Right... It's a lot better than chasing after him in the dark.
- Noel: I believe...
- Noel: "We'll meet again." Those were the last words Yeul left me.
- Noel: The seeress said so, so there must be another way.
- Fran: ...With such composure, the possibilities are many.
- Warrior of Light: Caius's will is strong, but so is yours. We won't give up.
- Noel: As I am now...I won't lose again.
Eternal Oath:
- Ignis: ...If you don't mind, could you tell us more about Caius?
- Serah: Of course. It's best for everyone to know what we know.
- Lulu: Noel and Caius were Guardians of someone named Yeul, correct?
- Serah: Right. They protected the seeress of their tribe from harm.
- Serah: That seeress is named Yeul.
- Vincent: So Noel, Caius, and Yeul are all from the same tribe.
- Serah: Yes. Yeul can see the future, so she has a Guardian to stop people from using that power to change history.
- Ignis: The power of prophecy... So they protected that power from being abused?
- Serah: Yes. A long time ago, a prophecy started a war and an entire city fell to ruin.
- Serah: A goddess gave Caius the power to live forever.
- Serah: So he's been the seeress's Guardian for a long, long time.
- Vincent: Is the seeress immortal, too?
- Serah: ...Yeul doesn't live very long.
- Serah: In exchange for seeing the future, her life is shortened... But she's reincarnated time and time again.
- Vincent: So Caius saw the person he was supposed to protect die over and over again.
- Lulu: A Guardian who lost the one who he was supposed to protect...
- Serah: In order to stop Yeul from being reincarnated, Caius tried to kill the goddess. Then chaos started to fill the world.
- Ignis: ...His story is sympathetic, but such an action is high-handed.
- Vincent: If his will is that strong, he might try to do the same in this world.
- Serah: ...We weren't able to stop him that time. But with all of us here...I think we can do it.
- Lulu: Well, there is strength in numbers.
- Ignis: And we are happy to be of service.
- Serah: Thank you!
- Garland: ...I heard an interesting tale.
- Garland: A tale of someone caught in a cycle of death and rebirth.
- Garland: Have you acquired the power of chaos?
- Caius: It's not that simple.
- Garland: Hahaha! And yet you persist.
- Garland: There will be many more chances.
- Garland: If you continue fighting, this world will be filled with chaos!
(Garland leaves)
- Caius: I am well aware. I am merely exhausting all possible means.
Spoilers end here.
Keeper of the Farseer Pt. 1[]
Keeper of the Farseer Pt. 2[]
Keeper of the Farseer Pt. 3[]
Keeper of the Farseer Pt. 4[]
Keeper of the Farseer Pt. 5[]
Keeper of the Farseer Co-op[]
Keeper of the Farseer EX[]
Keeper of the Farseer COSMOS[]
Keeper of the Farseer CHAOS[]
Musical themes[]