Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki


So, Light... How you figure this makes us lucky?


Because when we kill it, we're one step closer to Vanille. How's that?

Fang and Lightning.

Kalavinka Striker is a boss in Final Fantasy XIII. It is fought twice in succession aboard the Palamecia by Lightning, Hope, and Fang.

The white Cocoon script writing on the striker's wings reads "NO23". The dark writing reads "COCOON VOLT DRAGON". Both writings are mirrored on its right wing.


First part

Second part


The Kalavinka Striker can attack the party with a ramming attack, and use a lightning-based ranged attack. The rematch gives it more HP, a higher chain resistance, a higher resistance to Slow and Curse, and access to the powerful Hellstorm Bolt attack.


It is best to have two Ravagers and a Saboteur come out first to amass a chain bonus and cast Curse and Slow on the Striker, then switch to the Relentless Assault or Aggression to finish it off. Hope can be used as a Synergist to cast Barthunder on the party to defend Fang and Lightning.

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Kalavinka Striker FFXIII
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Kalaviṅka is a fantastical immortal creature in Buddhism with a human head and a bird's torso, with long flowing tail. The kalaviṅka is said to dwell in Buddhist paradise and reputed to preach the Buddhist scripture with its fine voice.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy XIII-2[]

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]
