Final Fantasy Wiki

Judd is a patient of Kilmister who suffers from geostigma. He appears in Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile.


Rufus Shinra encountered Judd when he was being held in captivity by Kilmister. Judd had been a patient of Kilmister, the local doctor in Kalm, since he was young. When he became ill with geostigma, Kilmister offered to take him and others to find a cure. They relocated to a cave and turned the cave's dead ends into makeshift rooms.

Judd was close to another patient named Pamela. He comforted her when she was in pain and gave her his dose of medicine, despite being in pain himself. While Kilmister was gone, the caved flooded. Judd bundled wooden boards together so that Pamela could lie down. When Kilmister arrived, he shot Pamela, calling it a mercy killing. Judd attempted to swim after her body, but Rufus pulled him away. Rufus noted that Judd was visibly angry at Kilmister.

Judd then moved to Healen Lodge alongside other geostigma patients. Kilmister continued investigating geostigma, though displayed little concern for those suffering, including Rufus. Kilmister was later found dead of a gunshot wound. Judd immediately confessed to Tseng but did not disclose who gave him the gun. He stated it was a favor from a friend, implied to be Rufus.
