Jahi is an enemy in Final Fantasy X-2 found in the Road to the Farplane and Cloisters 75 to 79 of the Via Infinito. It uses Spirit's model from Final Fantasy X.
For the point of the game Jahi appears in, it is not particularly threatening. Any attack, except those with a Lightning or Gravity elemental affinity, should be able to kill it with one strike.
Creature Creator[]
Jahi is automatically recruited after finishing the Aeshma fiend tale. It has learned Thundaga, Absorb, and Tetra Eater. At level 70, it has over 7,000 HP.
Once Jahi's fiend tale is complete, the player can capture the Tomb.
Fiend Tale[]
Fiend has no life readings!
Shinra Analysis:
Final form of the "Fiend World Ambassador." Training this fiend will have me recognized as Spira's representative. - ANALYSIS FAILED
Fiend has no life readings!
Shinra Analysis:
Still no response. I have to be patient. They're testing me. This "Fiend World" is the world ruled by fiends that was sealed off from Spira long ago? There has to be a reason why it's resurfacing after all these years... Also, I still don't know why I was chosen by them. Still so many mysteries to be solved, but I'll get to the bottom of every single one of them.
Jahi is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demoness of lasciviousness.
Related enemies[]
Final Fantasy X[]
Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]
- Fractus
- Pairika
- Taromaiti