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Ixion is an enemy in Final Fantasy X. He is summoned by Belgemine as a means to train Yuna in her battle against Sin, and is also fought inside Sin as part of the final battles.



Remiem Temple




FFX Haste EA


Belgemine is found in the South section on the Moonflow and will challenge Yuna in a duel of aeons, promptly summoning Ixion. Since an aeon cannot fight itself, Yuna can only summon Valefor or Ifrit. Ixion attacks using his regular physical attack and Aerospark, which deals more damage and dispels most positive status effects. When Ixion loses half of his HP, he will cast Haste to have more turns. Ixion's Overdrive gauge increases by 5% whenever he acts or is targeted.

Beating Ixion will award two Dragon Scales. Losing earns six Smoke Bombs instead. Regardless of the result, the player will also receive the Summoner's Soul, allowing them to teach aeons new abilities.


It is recommended that one or both of the player's aeons have a full Overdrive gauge before engaging battle. If summoning Ifrit, he can heal at low HP by casting Fire on himself. When Ixion uses Haste, it is recommended to use an Overdrive to eliminate him.

Remiem Temple[]

Ixion is fought after defeating Ifrit. He will use his regular attack and Aerospark as before, and can also spend a turn defending and evading, which will temporarily increase his Defense and Magic Defense or Evasion to 255. The fight opens with Ixion using a physical attack followed by a random move. Ixion's Overdrive gauge increases by 5% when attacking or being targeted, and will increase by 25% when targeted with a physical attack while evading or when targeted by a magical attack while guarding.

Defeating Ixion for the first time will net 10 Chocobo Feathers and will unlock Shiva. All subsequent defeats will earn 8 Power Spheres.


When Ixion evades, the player can harm him with magic and special attacks. When he is defending, the player should use this time to buff up or heal.


Since the battle is against the player's own aeon, Ixion's stats will be identical to his summon stats. His Overdrive gauge increases by 15~30% when targeted by Power Wave from a Yu Pagoda, and 0~10% when targeted by an attack or using an ability.


As with other summon battles, losing this battle is almost impossible as the characters have permanent Auto-Life, however, magic and Overdrives make it easier to hit him.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]


Ixion appears as an enemy.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X-2[]
