Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Munifrid seeks a seasoned adventurer for an important task.
[Player Name], you are well known for your deeds as a soldier. On this day, however, I would call upon your broad experiences as an adventurer.
As for the situation at hand, it would seem that part of our patrol route has been claimed as territory by a fearsome zu nestling. Yet we cannot simply choose to circumvent the area, lest we risk providing an unobserved entry point for imperial scouts.
My men and I will gladly go toe-to-toe with any military opponent. But nothing in our training has prepared us to combat a foe which can soar through the ravines and swoop down upon us with impunity.
My comrade here almost lost his arm to such an attack, and I fear it is only a matter of time ere the creature makes a kill...unless you kill it first.
The nestling surveys its domain from a narrow pillar of rock to the northeast. Pray find this predator, and end the threat to our patrols.
We might take the thing down eventually, but too much of our own blood would stain those rock walls. For a monster-slayer of your caliber, however, I should hope it will prove no great challenge...
The nestling is slain, then? I knew I had chosen the right woman/man for the job.
I am grateful you came along before any lives were lost to that monstrous bird. You have our thanks!