I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!

Calca inflicting Instant Death to an enemy with the use of Triton's Dagger in Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.
Instant Death (即死, Sokushi?), also called Sudden Death, Death, Fatal, Swoon, Dead, KO, Fell, Dispatch, and Stun, refers to an attack that immediately kills its victim regardless of what HP they have remaining. Instant death attacks are recurrent throughout the Final Fantasy series; several bosses, including final bosses, are known to use instant death moves, and some summons, such as Odin and Yojimbo, can also kill instantly. Instant death spells generally do not work on bosses, however, exceptions do exist.
In most games, attacks that inflict instant death do not display damage points when hit, even if the attack would have inflicted normal damage if instant death had not taken effect. In some games, indicators such as the word "Death" or the abbreviation "KO" may appear instead of damage points.
As with the use of curative and resurrection spells, such as Raise, instant death's effect is often reversed for the undead. In some games, using an instant death ability on the undead will fully heal it in the same way that using Raise would kill it, though there are some exceptions, such as the undead in Final Fantasy XII.
Final Fantasy[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Scourge | Black Magic | Inflicts Death upon all vulnerable opposing combatants, with a low rate of success. |
Death | Black Magic | Inflicts Death upon vulnerable opposing combatants. |
Quake | Black Magic | Inflicts Death upon all opposing combatants. |
Break | Black Magic | Inflicts Death upon one opposing combatant via petrification. |
Kill | Black Magic | Inflicts Death upon one opposing combatant. |
Warp | Black Magic | Inflicts Death upon all opposing combatants when cast during combat. |
Earthquake | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Death upon all opposing combatants. |
Razer | Weapon | Casts Scourge when used as an item in battle. |
Deathbringer | Weapon | Casts Death when used as an item in battle. |
Assassin Dagger | Weapon | Casts Kill when used as an item in battle. |
Mindflayer | Enemy | Can inflict Death via physical attacks. |
Final Fantasy II[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Black Magic | Inflicts Death. |
Warp | Black Magic | Inflicts Death when used in battle. |
Teleport | White Magic | Inflicts Death when used in battle. |
Toad | Black Magic | Inflicts Death on enemies, and turns party members into Toads. |
Break | Black Magic | Inflicts Death on enemies, and petrifies party members. |
Mini | White Magic | Inflicts Death on enemies, and inflicts Mini on party members. |
Hecteyes | Enemy | Can inflict Death via physical attacks. |
Coeurl | Enemy | Can inflict Death via physical attacks. |
Orukat | Enemy | Can inflict Death via physical attacks. |
Cait Sith | Enemy | Can inflict Death via physical attacks. |
Final Fantasy III[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Mini | White Magic | Low chance of instantly defeat one enemy. |
Toad | White Magic | Low chance of instantly defeat one enemy. |
Raze | Black Magic | Inflicts Death to weaker enemies. |
Death | Black Magic | Inflicts Death. |
Lilith Rod | Item Magic | Casts Death when used as an item. |
Black Musk | Item | Casts Death |
Devils' Sigh | Item | Casts Raze |
Black Hole | Item | Casts Warp |
Zantetsuken | Summon Odin | Chance of causing Instant Death on all enemies. |
Rend | Summon Bahamut | Chance of causing Instant Death on one enemy. |
Final Fantasy IV[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Deathbringer | Weapon | May inflict Death. |
Death | Black Magic | Inflicts Death to Weaker Enemies. |
Odin | Summon Magic | Inflicts Death 50% of the time. |
Black Fang | Enemy Attack | Inflicts Death. |
Blaster | Enemy Attack | 50% chance to inflict either Death or Paralyze. |
Ninth Dimension | Enemy Attack | Inflicts Death. Is Reflectable. |
Assassin's Dagger | Weapon | May inflict Death. |
Coeurl Whisker | Item | Casts Death |
Dark Bahamut (3D) | Boss | Physical attacks may inflict Death. |
Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Black Magic | Inflicts Death to Weaker Enemies. |
Odin | Summon Magic | Inflicts Death 50% of the time. |
Ninth Dimension | Enemy Attack | Inflicts Death. Is Reflectable. |
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Black Magic | Inflicts Death to Weaker Enemies. |
Odin | Summon Magic | Inflicts Death 50% of the time. |
Black Fang | Enemy Attack | Inflicts Death. |
Ninth Dimension | Enemy Attack | Inflicts Death. Is Reflectable. |
Assassin's Dagger | Weapon | May inflict Death. |
Final Fantasy V[]
Heavy status on an enemy nullifies a number of instant death effects; this is a separate factor from standard status immunity: some abilities will be blocked by either immunity or Heavy, while some abilities are only blocked by one or the other. The Angel Ring makes the player character equipping it immune to Instant Death.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Death instantly kills the target regardless of the current amount of HP they have remaining. Some instant death moves work on the undead, whereas others restore undead to full health.
Final Fantasy VII[]
Party members and enemies enter the Death status when their HP reaches 0, or when struck by an ability that induces the Death status instantly. If all characters' HP falls to 0, the game is over, and if all enemies' HP falls to 0, the battle is won. The player can immunize against instant death with certain equipment or the Death Force E.Skill. Dead party members can be recovered in and out of battle with resurrection items and spells, like Phoenix Down and Life. Enemies in Death status simply disappear as they are defeated. Death is distinct from being ejected; in the latter, the unit is removed from battle but not defeated. Death and Petrify are similar in that the afflicted is flagged as defeated for Game Over purposes. Instant Death and Restorative have their effects swapped on undead enemies.
Final Fantasy VII Remake[]

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]
Tonberry-type enemies use instant death.

Final Fantasy VIII[]
Each player character has a brief and unique death animation. When allies are KO, they lay on the ground until revived and their ATB bar is emptied. Enemies fade out and are removed from the battlefield after their death animation is finished. The effect remains indefinitely until the party member is resurrected, even outside of battle. Sudden Death is when a character is instantly killed, whereas normal Death occurs when HP reaches 0. Enemies struck by Sudden Death will skip their normal death animation and simply fade out red after being struck. Guardian Forces will also die if they run out of HP. Phoenix Downs and Life magic revive fallen allies, but may cause sudden death to undead, including targets that have the Zombie status. On the flip side, using Death spells or attacks against the undead may fully replenish their HP.
Final Fantasy IX[]
The player can inflict instant KO with Iai Strike (Swd Art), Death (Blk Mag), LV5 Death (Blu Mag), Odin (Zantetsuken), and Avenger 5% with Add Status. Instant Death cannot be protected against with immunity abilities.
Final Fantasy X[]
The player can inflict instant KO with some abilities, such as Deathstrike, and protect against instant KO with Deathproof.
Final Fantasy X-2[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Arcana | Inflicts Death. |
Carrier Flurry | Flurry | Inflicts Death. |
Death Flurry | Flurry | Inflicts non-elemental damage and Death. |
Zantetsu | Bushido | Inflicts Death. |
Shin-Zantetsu | Bushido | Inflicts Death to all enemies. |
PuPu Platter | Wildcat | Inflicts Instant Death to all enemies. |
Arsenic Knife | Cutlery | Inflicts Instant Death. |
Death Petals | Fallalery | Inflicts Death. |
Death Missile | Machinations | Inflicts Death. |
Death | Full Throttle | Inflicts Death. |
Death Blast | Enemy Attack | Inflicts damage equal to remaining HP and Death. |
Gun Payback | Enemy Attack | Inflicts physical damage and Death to a Gunner, Gun Mage, or Alchemist. |
Killer Fang | Enemy Attack | Inflicts physical damage and Death. |
Mage Payback | Enemy Attack | Inflicts physical damage and Death to a White or Black Mage. |
Russian Roulette | Enemy Attack | 1st version. Inflicts physical damage and Death. |
Sword Payback | Enemy Attack | Inflicts physical damage and Death to a Warrior, Samurai, or Dark Knight. |
Deathproof | Auto Ability | Prevents Death. |
Final Fantasy XI[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Atma of Cloak and Dagger | Atma | Bestows "minor" Resist Death. |
Atma of the Einherjar | Atma | Bestows "superior" Resist Death. |
Atma of the Winged Gloom | Atma | Bestows "major" Resist Death. |
Dark Sun | NM Skill | Inflicts Death on anyone in range. |
Death | Dark Magic | Inflicts Death. |
Deathly Glare | NM Skill | Inflicts Death as a gaze attack within a conal area. |
Death Prophet | Enemy Skill | Inflicts Death on anyone in a conal area. |
Eihwaz Ring | Equipment (Ring) | Has a small chance to resist Death attacks. |
Extremely Bad Breath | NM Skill | Inflicts Death on players in range. |
Heimdall's Doom | Weapon (One-handed Sword) | Has a small chance to inflict Death. |
Mortal Blast | NM Skill | Inflicts Death as a gaze attack within a conal area. |
Pavor Nocturnus | Diabolos Skill | Inflicts Dispel and has a small chance of inflicting Death; success rate increases if target is asleep. |
Perdition | Enemy Skill | Inflicts Death. |
Shadow Ring | Equipment (Ring) | Has a small chance to resist Death attacks. |
Svaha | Notorious Monster | Melee attacks have a very low chance of inflicting Death. |
Tera Slash | NM Skill | When used by Arch Dynamis Lord, has a chance to inflict Death on those hit by it. |
Thar She Blows | Enemy Skill | Inflicts Death on those within a frontal area. |
Twilight Scythe | Weapon (Scythe) | Has a small chance to inflict Death on normal hits or physical weapon skills. |
Tyrant Tusk | NM Skill | Deals Dark elemental damage and inflicts Bio status, but if the target would fall to less than half HP as a result of this damage, the damage is negated and victim simply dies instead. Apparently unaffected by Resist Death effects. |
Zantetsuken | Odin Skill | Inflicts Death on anyone in range. Will simply deal damage to Notorious Monsters and others immune to Death. |
Final Fantasy XII[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Arcane Magick | Inflict KO on target. |
Warp | Time Magick | Inflict KO on targets over an area. |
Raise | White Magick | Inflict KO on undead target. |
Arise | White Magick | Inflict KO on undead target. |
Bonecrusher | Technick | Sacrifice HP to inflict KO on target. |
Warp Mote | Item | Inflict KO on targets over an area. |
Phoenix Down | Item | Inflict KO on undead target or when used with Nihopalaoa. |
Deathbringer | Weapon | Deal damage and may inflict KO on a target. |
Assassin's Arrows | Weapon | Deal damage and may inflict KO on a target. |
Assassin's Dagger | Weapon | Deal damage and may inflict KO on a target. |
Kill | Esper Ability, Enemy Ability | Inflict KO on target. |
Death Strike | Enemy Ability | Inflict KO on target. |
Sonic Fangs | Enemy Ability | Deal damage and may inflict KO on a target. |
Crushing Fangs | Enemy Ability | Deal damage and may inflict KO on a target. |
Prime Level Death | Enemy Ability | Inflict KO on party members whose levels are a prime number. |
Dimensional Rift | Enemy Ability | Inflict KO on target and user. |
Darkja | Enemy Ability | Deal Dark-elemental damage to party members and many inflict Blind and/or KO. |
Hell Wyrm and Yiazmat's physical and Rake attacks have a chance of inflicting KO. This also applies to Archaeoaevis in the Zodiac versions.
Shell will halve the chances of KO from landing.
Final Fantasy XIII[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Full ATB skill, Enemy Ability | Inflicts Instant Death with a low rate of success, inflicts non-elemental damage when it fails. |
Zantetsuken | Gestalt Ability | Inflicts Instant Death on all enemies with low HP, inflicts non-elemental damage otherwise. |
Progenitorial Wrath | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Instant Death with a 50% rate of success, inflicts non-elemental damage when it fails. |
Final Fantasy XIV[]
Various enemies and certain player spells can inflict instant death, which will trigger the message "[target] has been sentenced to death!" in the battle log. For instance, Level 5 Death is a spell cast by Page 64 enemies in The Great Gubal Library and can be learned by the Blue Mage class, which can inflict instant death on most enemies, provided their level is a multiple of 5 and not higher than the player's.
Most boss encounters have enrage mechanics that will deal unavoidable, lethal damage to all players in the encounter, usually to punish poor performance or failing mechanics. While not an instant death in the conventional sense of the series, these attacks will always ignore defense and will even be repeated should the player bypass the enrage through resurrection.
Final Fantasy XV[]
Instant death can be inflicted on enemies with the Death Penalty gun, as well as Killcast magic. Death and Alterna are spells used with the Ring of the Lucii that can defeat opponents without depleting their health to 0 first. Death fills an invisible gauge that enemies have variable resistance to while also dealing damage; if the instant death effect takes effect before the target runs out of HP, they will die. Alterna can remove enemies from the battle and thus instantly defeat them. Though it works on almost every opponent, even superbosses, the effect is random and some enemies resist it more than others.
Headshots against imperial troopers with the Cerberus rifle defeat them in one hit.
Some enemies, such as coeurls, can inflict Instant Death on the party. The player can protect against Instant Death with the Safety Bit and Ribbon accessories, the Assassin's Creed attires and the Deathproof food buff.
Final Fantasy XVI[]
Clive's Zantetsuken Level 5 culminates in a cut that deals no damage but the animation slices enemies without a will gauge in half and defeats them instantly.
Certain bosses defeat player characters instantly if not enough damage is dealt in time. The Eikon of Fire can defeat the Phoenix instantly, although if the player dealt enough damage, Phoenix will restore his HP soon after using Flames of Rebirth. Omega Aionios is capable of instantly defeating the entire party with Omega Protocol, which triggers a Game Over after a cinematic cutscene depicting the dimension being compressed. Leviathan is capable of killing Ifrit with Tsunami if the player is unable to pass the DPS check, Leviathan will flood Mysidia and drowning the player, triggering a Game Over as well.
Final Fantasy Type-0[]
Killsights cause instant death to enemies when in battle with them. To initiate a killsight, the cursor has to be red when the player attacks.
Instant Death also has a 10% chance to be inflicted through certain weapons.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Black Magic | Inflicts Death. |
Magma Surge | Geomancy | Deals fire-elemental damage with a chance of inflicting Death. |
Northswain's Strike | Holy Sword, Swordplay | Deals non-elemental physical damage with a chance of inflicting Death. |
Finishing Touch | Limit | Deals non-elemental physical damage with a chance of inflicting Death. |
Suffocate | Subdual Arts | Inflicts Death, 100% hit rate. |
Bioga | Befoul, Bio, Magicks | Deals non-elemental magick damage with a chance of inflicting Death. |
Dark Whisper | Enemy Ability | Deals dark-elemental magick damage with a chance of inflicting Death. |
Heave | Enemy Ability | Deals non-elemental physical damage with a chance of inflicting Death. |
Valhalla | Weapon | May inflict Death on the enemy it hits. |
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Alchemy Skill | Instantly KOs one target. |
Roulette | Blue Magic | Instantly KOs a unit chosen at random on the battlefield. |
Last Breath | Corner | Instantly KOs one target. |
LV5 Death | Enemy Attack | Instantly KOs any target in range with a level divisible by 5. |
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Death | Arcane Magick | Instantly KOs one target. |
Last Breath | Assassination | Instantly KOs one target. |
Roulette | Blue Magick | Instantly KOs a unit chosen at random on the battlefield. |
Mirror Items | Survivalism | Instantly KOs one target when used with a Phoenix Down. |
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Life | White Magic | Inflict Fatal on single enemy target. |
Doom Dance | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Fatal. |
Doom Gaze | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Fatal. |
Doom Powder | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Fatal. |
Corrode Gas | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Fatal. |
The Final Fantasy Legend[]
Enemies that are Dead are permanently removed from battle. Ally units in Dead status can be revived according to the number of hearts they carry. Add hearts with the Heart item. Revive at a House of Life or with the Revive item.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Hyper | Cannon | Inflicts Dead to all enemies. |
Death | Magic Book | Inflicts Dead to one enemy. |
Saw | Assorted Others | Inflicts Dead to an enemy if it hits. |
King | Armor | Grants resistance to ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Arthur | Armor | Grants resistance to ![]() ![]() |
Dragon | Helmet | Grants resistance to ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Band | Helmet | Grants resistance to ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Aezis | Shield | Grants the party ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
King | Shield | Grants the party ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Stop | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Dead to an enemy group. |
D-Beam | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Dead to an enemy group. |
D-Fangs | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Dead to an enemy group. |
Saw | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Dead to an enemy group. |
![]() |
Enemy Ability | Resists Fire, Ice, Elec, Pois, Ston, Para, Weapon, and Quake. |
![]() |
Enemy Ability | Resists Ston, Para, and Weapon. |
![]() |
Enemy Ability | Resists Para and Weapon. |
![]() |
Enemy Ability | Resists Dead, Blin, Slep, Conf, Curs, and Para. |
Final Fantasy Legend II[]
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Wizard | Staff | Inflicts Stun to all enemies. |
ChainSaw | Assorted Others | Inflicts Stun; cannot cut if Str < Def - 9; or against ![]() |
Death | Magic Book | Inflicts Stun on non-undead (Skelton, Zombie, O-Bake). |
Erase | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Stun; one group. |
FatalGas | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Stun; one group. |
X-Gaze | Enemy Ability | Inflicts Stun; one group. |
Final Fantasy Legend III[]
The target is instantly killed and becomes Fell.
Game Element | Type | Effect |
Fatal | Can inflict Fatal | Kills one enemy. |
LifeA | Can inflict Fatal | Kills one enemy. |
Dispel | Can inflict Fatal | Attacks one enemy. |
Dance | Can inflict Fatal | Attacks one enemy. |
XPowder | Can inflict Fatal | Kills one enemy. |
X-Gaze | Can inflict Fatal | Kills one enemy. |
X-Flash | Can inflict Fatal | Kills one enemy. |
X-Heat | Can inflict Fatal | Kills one enemy. |
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]
The player gains access to sudden death moves with the Death spell, the Ranger's Smashing Blow (25% chance), Monk's Ghost Army and the Bandit's Deadly Blow attack. The Party Host's Pot Luck command has a random chance of executing Sudden Death that kills all opponents instantly.
Some of the tougher bosses use sudden death attacks against the party, such as the Leviathan, that has a chance of instantly defeating a party member with its physical attacks.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]