Final Fantasy XI spell Indi-Gravity
| |
MP | 174 |
Effect | Weighs down enemies near the caster and lowers their movement speed. |
Duration | Varies |
Casting Time | 2 seconds |
Recast Time | 12 seconds |
Magic Type | Geomancy |
Element | Wind |
Jobs | GEO 88 |
Indi-Gravity is a Geomancy spell in Final Fantasy XI. When cast, a harmful Indicolure effect weighs down all enemies for as long as they are within emanation range of the caster. The spell can be purchased from Eukalline in Western Adoulin for 617,100 gil, and it may also be found inside of Treasure Coffers rewarded at the end of Skirmish. Indi-Gravity must be learned first before learning its counterpart spell, Geo-Gravity.
Gravity, or gravitation, is the natural phenomenon by which physical bodies appear to attract each other with a force proportional to their masses. It is most commonly experienced as the agent that gives weight to objects with mass and causes them to fall to the ground when dropped.