Final Fantasy Wiki

1-2 In the Shadow of the Heretics is the second leg of the main quest in Luxerion in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. After investigating a murder at the North Plaza to suspect local cultists are behind it, Lightning sets out to covertly tail them.

Quest log[]

Entry 1
At midnight, the Children of Etro gather in huddled groups in front of North Station. It seems likely that these heretics, worshipers of the goddess Etro, are behind both the murders and the grim message threatening the savior.
The heretics are alert and cautious. Lightning must follow them stealthy, as it is her only chance to learn more.
Entry 2A
Lightning follows the heretics to a graveyard where they conduct nightly rites that seem to have some connection with the murders—but the gate is closed to outsiders.
To open the gate, Lightning must collect the four numbers of the pass code. This code is distributed to all the heretics in the city. Somewhere out in the streets of Luxerion is hidden the key to the graveyard...
Entry 2B
The heretics spotted Lightning trailing them, and she was forced into a battle.
However, she finds a new lead. According to the Order's information, there is a public phone booth that rings regularly in the middle of the night. Could it have something to do with the heretics?


Hope will inform Lightning of the heretics gathered in the North Plaza. They are the area where the Inquisitor was in the previous quest, "An Evil Savior". Lightning can either follow them stealthy by maintaining a safe distance, or engage them directly. The first option wastes some time. For the second option, Lightning will have to kill a specific heretic to beat the entire group. Lightning can climb the tower in the middle of the plaza and let the heretics move around for several seconds. Their leader is in the front. Lightning can then descend the tower, and sprint toward him to strike first.

In the battle, Lightning faces a group of three Fanatics. After beating the group, the next objective is to find the phone that rings only during the night (it will appear on the map). If Lightning decides to follow the group rather than engage them, this is where they will lead her, a northwest alley that leads to a triangle-shaped area called the Forsaken Graveyard.

Answering the ringing phone completes "In The Shadow Of The Heretics" quest, and starts the next main quest, "Find the Code".
