Final Fantasy Wiki

Ifrit is an enemy in Final Fantasy X. He is summoned by Belgemine as a means to train Yuna in her battle against Sin. Ifrit is also fought as part of the game's final battles.



Remiem Temple



Mi'ihen Highroad[]

Belgemine is found in an inlet on the South End section of the Mi'ihen Highroad and will challenge Yuna in a duel of aeons, promptly summoning Ifrit. Since an aeon cannot fight itself, Yuna can only summon Valefor.

Ifrit opens with a physical attack of increased power and perfect accuracy, followed by the more powerful Meteor Strike, which is then alternated with a regular physical attack for the rest of the fight. Although Belgemine's Ifrit has an Overdrive gauge, it will not use Hellfire.

Valefor or Yuna having a full Overdrive gauge before engaging battle will be beneficial. Telling Valefor to use Shield before Ifrit uses Meteor Strike is key to victory. She can use her Overdrive when at low HP as a last-ditch effort.

Defeating Ifrit will award an Echo Ring, which has the HP +10% and Silence Ward auto-abilities. Losing earns a Seeker's Ring, which only has HP +10%.

Remiem Temple[]

Ifrit can be fought after defeating Valefor. His arsenal includes a physical attack and Meteor Strike; he will use the the latter when struck by physical attacks. Ifrit's Overdrive gauge increases by 7% when attacking and 3% when targeted. Although his Magic stat is initially 45, it will decrease to 35 whenever his Overdrive gauge fills beyond the minimum amount until just before Hellfire is used.

This battle will be straight-forward if the player exploits Ifrit's slowness and summons Shiva; although he does not, in fact, have a weakness to Ice, Shiva's high Agility and Evasion, as well as access to NulBlaze, come in very handy.

Defeating Ifrit for the first time will net 30 X-Potions and will unlock Ixion. All subsequent wins will earn 6 Mana Spheres.


Since the player is fighting their own aeon here, Ifrit has the same stats he had under the player's control, although he will not use any special abilities the player may have taught him. His Overdrive gauge increases by 15~30% when targeted by Power Wave from a Yu Pagoda, and 0~10% when targeted by an attack or using an ability.

Due to Auto-Life, it is almost impossible to die here. Unless the player has spent a lot of time leveling up Yuna and Ifrit at the expense of their main party, he should fall in a few normal attacks.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]


Ifrit appears as an enemy.



In Arabian mythology, Ifrit (also spelled Efreet or Afreet, from Arabic عفريت Ifrīt), is the name given to a class of Jinn (Demons also known as Djinn, Djinni, and Genie) that embody fire. Though they could live for thousands of years, they were not immortal, and if cut, they would "bleed" the fire running through their veins until it consumed their bodies.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X-2[]
