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Ifrit is a boss fought in Final Fantasy X-2. He is fought in Kilika Temple during Chapter 3 and is one of the many aeons to rebel due to Shuyin's dark influence.



Fiend Arena


Meteor Strike hits one target for 622~702 damage and always targets the character furthest away, Smash is worth 200 to one target, Firaga will do 359~405 to all, and Hellfire will do 573~647 damage to the whole party. As with the other aeons in the game, Ifrit's AI operates on an action counter. His action counter rises by 7 when taking a turn and by 5 when hit by an attack.

AI script[]


Basic Pattern:
2/3 chance - Normal Attack
1/3 chance - Firaga on all characters

Action Count Pattern:
When he performs an action, Action Count increases by 7.
If hit by an attack, Action Count increases by 5
30-59 - Meteor Strike on character furthest away
60-89 - Meteor Strike on character furthest away
90-99 - Meteor Strike on character furthest away
100+ - Hellfire, Action Count resets to 0

Fiend Arena[]

Basic Pattern:
The following are attacks Ifrit will use depending on his Action Count
Action Count will rise by 5 after receiving damage from an attack
0-49 - 1/3 chance Quick Attack
1/6 chance Normal Attack
1/6 chance Meteor Strike on character furthest away
1/6 chance Firaga
1/6 chance Firaga on all characters

50-99 - 1/3 chance Quick Attack
1/6 chance - Critical Attack
1/6 chance - Heartless Strike
1/6 chance - Meteor Strike on character furthest away
1/6 chance - Firaga on all characters

100+ - Hellfire, Action Count resets to 0


With a chunk of Hi-Potions, it is not a problem to keep the party's HP up. Prior to battling Ifrit the party can equip any Fire-resistant accessories. Another method is to equip everyone with the Heart of Flame Garment Grid making them absorb Fire damage, making Ifrit heal the party, reducing the need of an active healer. The party can use Protect to ward against Ifrit's Swipe attack and Shell to ward against Meteor Strike.

A party with Dark Knights works well, possibly combined with with the White Mage/Alchemist support casting Shell and Protect (with spells or items), and use Hastega or a Chocobo Wing to hasten the Dark Knights.

Captured creatures capable of using strong Ice-elemental attacks, such as the Flan Palido and White Elemental, can also be employed as they can easily take down Ifrit. However, one must be careful of their weakness to Fire, especially when Ifrit uses Firaga or Hellfire. This can be mitigated by equpping the Crimson Ring accessory to make those attacks heal instead, although they may sometimes unintentionally use Firaga on Ifrit, healing him.

Creature Creator[]

Fiend Arena[]

Ifrit is an optional boss in the Fiend Arena and is stronger than he was during the main storyline. To unlock him, the player must capture and finish the storyline of the Flame Dragon, which can be done as early as Chapter 1. This will release Ifrit and he can be fought in the Battle Simulator. If all eight aeons are unlocked, the Aeon Cup is unlocked.

Flame Dragon can be captured by using a Trap pod L in Besaid anytime before Chapter 5. Failing that, a Trap pod L can be placed in Luca in Chapter 5, but the chances of obtaining the Flame Dragon from Luca are much lower. To complete the fiend tale, the player must raise its level by 5.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Ifrit FFX-2
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In Arabian mythology, Ifrit (also spelled Efreet or Afreet, from Arabic عفريت Ifrīt), is the name given to a class of Jinn (Demons also known as Djinn, Djinni, and Genie) that embody fire. Though they could live for thousands of years, they were not immortal, and if cut, they would "bleed" the fire running through their veins until it consumed their bodies.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X[]
