Final Fantasy Wiki

Ifrit is a summon in Final Fantasy III. Marking his first appearance as a series summon, Ifrit can be called forth into battle with the Heatra Summon Magic spell.


Ifrit is a demonic-like beast with long curved horns and red skin. In the original Famicom release, depending on the version summoned, Ifrit's color scheme would be different.


The Heatra spell to summon Ifrit can be purchased from the magic shops in Replito or in Doga's Village. Heatra costs 3,000 gil to purchase in the 2D versions, while costing 7,000 gil in the 3D versions. Heatra is a level 4 Summon Magic that can be used by the Evoker, Summoner, and Sage jobs.


Famicom abilities[]

In the original Famicom version, Heatra has set recovery and damage rates depending on the user's proficiency level on the job casting the spell. The rates increased with the caster's job proficiency level. The following are the rates from the Famicom release:[1]

Ability Spell recovery/damage (by proficiency level) Effect Job Image
1 20 40 60 80 99
FFIII Icon White Magic Ifrit 90 HP 180 HP 360 HP 450 HP 630 HP 810 HP Restores HP to all allies. Evoker Recovery Magic from FFIII FC
Recovery Magic.
FFIII Icon Black Magic Ifrit 85 170 340 425 595 765 Deals fire damage to one enemy. Evoker Raging Flame from FFIII FC
Raging Flame.
FFIII Icon Summon Magic Ifrit 128 256 512 640 896 1152 Fire damage to all enemies. Summoner, Sage FFIII NES HellFire

3D and Pixel Remaster abilities[]

Ability Spell Power Effect Job
Healing Light 110 Restores a large sum of HP to all allies. Evoker, Sage (3D versions only)
Hellfire 85 Deals Fire damage to one enemy. Evoker, Sage (3D versions only)
Inferno 128 Immolates all enemies with hellflame. Summoner, Sage (Pixel Remaster only)

Other appearances[]

FFIII Manga Ifrit

Ifrit in the manga adaptation.

Yūkyū no Kaze Densetsu: Final Fantasy III Yori[]

Ifrit the Fire Fiend (炎の魔人イフリート, Honō no Majin Ifurīto?) appears as a minor antagonist in the Final Fantasy III manga. Both he and Shiva serve Hein, doing battle with the Warriors of Light within their master's maze, only to be defeated by the heroes.




In Arabian mythology, Ifrit (also spelled Efreet or Afreet, from Arabic عفريت Ifrīt), is the name given to a class of Jinn (Demons also known as Djinn, Djinni, and Genie) that embody fire. Though they could live for thousands of years, they were not immortal, and if cut, they would "bleed" the fire running through their veins until it consumed their bodies.

  1. Final Fantasy III Volume 3 Complete Capture Edition, p.162