Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

A black chocobo with a vicious personality. He can run faster than most other chocobos. Apparently this particular specimen gained fame in a place called the Gold Saucer.

Hyperion is a Mirage in World of Final Fantasy.


Base stats[]

Mirage Board spaces[]

Active Ability SP Required
Chocobo Kick 2
Stretch Legs 5
Breather 2
Passive Ability SP Required
Initiative 3
SOS Haste 4
Stat Boosts
Stat SP Required
Strength+ 3
Strength+ 3
Agility+ 3
Agility+ 3
Agility+ 3
Agility+ 3
Miscellaneous Spaces
Support Ability SP Required
Joyride 1
Blank Space SP Required
Blank Space 2
Mirajewel SP Required
Agility+ Mirajewel 2
Transfiguration SP Required
Black Chocochick 1
Mirage Board set SP Required
Chocobo 1
White Chocobo 1
Miscellaneous Information
SP Total SP
Mirage Board 41 / 42 (with DLC)
Mirage Board family 83 / 84 (with DLC)
Entire Mirage Board group 169 / 234 (with DLC)
Level Requirement Level
Fresh (No other transfiguration unlocked) Transf. Unlocked
Mirage Board completion 32 / 33 (with DLC) 30 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC)
Mirage Board family Mastery 62 / 33 (with DLC) 60 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC)
Mirage Board group Mastery 65 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC) 60 *(level requirement is also the same with DLC)

Encounter stats[]

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Location Formation
Intervention Quest - The Black Chocobo Hyperion


Related enemies[]


Hyperion was one of the twelve Titans of Ancient Greece, the sons and daughters of Gaia and Ouranos, which were later supplanted by the Olympians. He was the brother of Cronus. He was also the lord of light, and the Titan of the east.
