Final Fantasy Wiki
FFXIII Hyades Magnums

Hyades Magnums in Final Fantasy XIII.

A powerful gun able to blast apart even the strongest of hulls. Though its ATK is high, the recoil from its powerful shots leaves the shooter more open than usual to enemy counter-attacks. Because of this, only those aware of its unique characteristics can wield it.

Hyades Magnums (ヒヤデス, Hiyadesu?, lit. Hyades) is a recurring weapon in the Final Fantasy series, associated with Sazh Katzroy.


Final Fantasy XIII[]

The powerful rounds of these pistols can punch through armor plating, but create a recoil that leaves the wielder vulnerable to attack.


The Hyades Magnums are the upgraded form of Pleiades Hi-Powers, found in Oerba and bought from Gilgamesh, Inc. They have a handicap that lowers Sazh's HP by 40%, but come with good stats as compensation.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Hyades Magnums is a Gun obtained during the Final Fantasy XIII event, The Hanging Edge. It provides 58 ATK and access to the abilities Cold Blood and Heat Blitz. It can only be equipped by Sazh.



The Hyades is the nearest open cluster to the Solar System and one of the best-studied star clusters.
