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Pierce your enemies' resistances and exploit their weaknesses with multiple attacks!

Job Unlock

The Hunter is a Advanced Job in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, available after unlocking the corresponding node in the Marksman Job Tree. Leveling this job is required to unlock the Gambler expert job.

The Hunter serves as a physical support job capable of whittling down enemy defenses and dealing serious critical damage with multiple attacks by stacking physical damage buff each time an enemy is hit up to fifty times. The Hunter complements jobs that deal specialize in physical damage such as the Dragoon or Breaker and/or jobs with high Agility and decent amount of hits in each combo such as the Assassin or Monk. Similar to other Hunters of the series, this job benefits from a great amount of Spirit for magic defense, MP management, and accumulating status ailments upon your enemies. With their passives including increased critical damage, increased damage at max HP, and enemy weakness damage, this job encourages an evasive, yet precise playstyle.


Job Action[]

Ability MP Cost Description Movie
Analyze SOPFFO
200 Increases physical attribute damage dealt each time an enemy is hit, bypassing enemy resistances and making weaknesses easier to exploit. This buff stacks up to 50 times.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
SOP Analyze

The Hunter has access to the Analyze ability, which allows the player to increase the physical damage dealt each time the enemy is hit, and applies a Mighty Strikes-like effect with each hit to exploit enemy weaknesses. This provides a great boon to jobs like the Dragoon and Warrior that benefit the most from targeting enemy weaknesses and clearing break gauges.

Command Ability[]

Ability Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
Barrage SOPFFO
5 200 Critical Break Damage +3.1% Attacks hit multiple times, with higher agility resulting in more attacks. SOP Barrage

The Hunter obtains the Barrage support ability, which adds supplementary attacks to each hit, increasing based on the player's Agility stat. This support ability functions as a great damage dealing buff to jobs that deal a heavy amount of Agility-based damage and even for mage jobs that need extra firepower to their spells, leading to cleared enemy break gauges much sooner.

Combo Abilities[]

Ability Type Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
Eagle Eye SOPFFO
Eagle Eye
Gun Combo 1 200 Analyze [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Channel power into your gun before unleashing a piercing shot.

[Link 1 Ability]
Can be set to R1>R2.
SOP Eagle Eye
Sidewinder SOPFFO
Gun Combo 9 100 Analyze Mastery [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]

Assault an enemy with multiple piercing attacks.

[Link 1 Ability]
Can be set to R1>R2.
SOP Sidewinder
Chain Shot SOPFFO
Chain Shot
Gun Combo 6 100 Swift Shot [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]

A piercing attack that temporarily triggers additional attacks on the location hit.

[While Aiming Ability]
Can be set to While Aiming >R2.
SOP Chain Shot
Burst Shot SOPFFO
Burst Shot
Gun Combo 2 100 Enemy Weakness Break Damage Dealt +2.2% [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce] [Element: Non-elemental SOPFFONone]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]

Perform a point-blank shot that pierces targets.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
SOP Burst Shot

Combo Effects[]

Ability Job Points Required Ability to Unlock Description
Gallant Gunfire
3 Eagle Eye [Weapon Type: Gun]
[1st Link]

Enhances abilities set to R1>R2

Refills break gauge based on critical damage dealt.
Swift Shot
4 Damage Dealt at Max HP +1.5% [Weapon Type: Gun]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick up + R1 (Weapon Skill) > R2

Increases attack speed.
Dagger Buff SOPFFO
Fierce Dagger
3 Burst Shot [Weapon Type: Daggers]
[1st Link]

Enhances abilities set to R1>R2

Refills break gauge based on critical damage dealt.
Dagger Buff SOPFFO
Swift Swipes
8 Analyze Mastery [Weapon Type: Daggers]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick up + R1 (Weapon Skill) > R2

Increases attack speed.

Hunter makes use of swords, daggers, and guns, all of which are speedy weapons with the largest amount of Agility-scaled combo abilities, allowing for even greater critical damage.

Job Passives[]

Ability Job Points Required Ability to Unlock Description
Passive SOPPFO
Damage Dealt at Max HP +1.5%
2 Eagle Eye Increases damage dealt when HP is at max.
Hunter Affinity SOPFFO
Hunter Affinity +25%
8 Chain Shot Increases hunter job affinity.
Hunter Affinity SOPFFO
Hunter Affinity +10%
1 Analyze Increases hunter job affinity.
Passive SOPPFO
Enemy Weakness Break Damage Dealt +2.2%
1 Analyze Increases break damage dealt when targeting enemy weaknesses.
Passive SOPPFO
Critical Break Damage +3.1%
3 Burst Shot Increases critical break damage dealt.
Hunter Affinity SOPFFO
Hunter Affinity +15%
4 Critical Break Damage +3.1% Increases hunter job affinity.
Passive SOPPFO
Critical Break Damage +3.1%
7 Barrage Increases critical break damage dealt.
Analyze Mastery SOPFFO
Analyze Mastery
7 Barrage A critical hit grants two stacks of the analyze effect.
Passive SOPPFO
Enemy Weakness Break Damage Dealt +7.1%
9 Analyze Mastery Increases break damage dealt when targeting enemy weaknesses.
Passive SOPPFO
Damage Dealt at Max HP +5.7%
11 Sidewinder Increases damage dealt when HP is at max.

Job/Class Unlocks[]

These nodes lead to the following Advanced Jobs/Job Classes:

Ability Type Job Points Required Ability to Unlock Description
Gambler SOPFFO
New Job: Gambler
Job Unlock 11 Damage Dealt at Max HP +5.7% Unlocks the Gambler Job.
Hunter Evocation SOPFFO
New Class: Machinist
Class Unlock All Hunter tree abilities Unlocks the Evocation Class for Hunter, Machinist. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC.
Hunter Ultima SOPFFO
New Class: Gunslinger
Class Unlock All Hunter tree abilities Unlocks the Ultima Class for Hunter, Gunslinger. Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC.

Class Trees[]

Introduced in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC, These classes are unlocked after visiting Bahamut's Cave and completing the "A Token of Courage and Strength" conversation with Bahamut and the abilities thereof can be bought by using Rat Tails which are accumulated by completing missions on the Bahamut difficulty onward and purchasing them from the Bahamut Exchange Shop via Dragon Treasures:

Hunter Evocation SOPFFO
Ability Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Analyze SOPFFO
Heart Shot
Job Action All Hunter tree abilities Analyze
[Class Change Effect: Evocation]
Buff now stacks up to 99 times.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Luck +6
Passive 2 Heart Shot Increases luck.
Strength Up SOPFFO
Strength +7
Passive 4 Luck +6 Increases strength.
Passive SOPPFO
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0%
Passive 6 Strength +7 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Hunter Master Points +3
Passive 11 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases hunter master points acquired.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +96
Passive 6 Strength +7 Increases HP by 96.
Stamina Up SOPFFO
Stamina +4
Passive 8 HP +96 Increases stamina.
Dagger Buff SOPFFO
Dagger Cancel
Combo Ability Effects 14 Stamina +4 [Weapon Type: Dagger]
[Side Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick leftLeft stick right + R1 (Weapon Skill) > R2.

Enables earlier dodging.
Agility Up SOPFFO
Agility +8
Passive 2 Heart Shot Increases agility.
Passive SOPPFO
Break +160
Passive 6 Agility +8 Increases break by 160.
Passive SOPPFO
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0%
Passive 8 Break +160 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Spirit Up SOPFFO
Spirit +5
Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases spirit.
Spirit of the Gunfighter
Combo Ability Effects 16 Spirit +5 [Weapon Type: Gun]
[Aiming Link]

Enhances abilities set to While Aiming: R2.

Restores MP based on physical damage dealt.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +192
Passive 12 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 192.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Hunter Master Points +3
Passive 17 HP +192 Increases hunter master points acquired.
Hunter Ultima SOPFFO
Ability Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Analyze SOPFFO
Job Action All Hunter tree abilities Analyze
[Class Change Effect: Ultima]
Gain 50 stacks of the buff. However, the buff will end after being hit by an enemy attack.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Luck +6
Passive 2 Trigger-happy Increases luck.
Strength Up SOPFFO
Strength +7
Passive 4 Luck +6 Increases strength.
Passive SOPPFO
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0%
Passive 6 Strength +7 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Hunter Master Points +3
Passive 11 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases hunter master points acquired.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +96
Passive 6 Strength +7 Increases HP by 96.
Stamina Up SOPFFO
Stamina +4
Passive 8 HP +96 Increases stamina.
Dagger Buff SOPFFO
Dagger Cancel
Combo Ability Effects 14 Stamina +4 [Weapon Type: Dagger]
[Side Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick leftLeft stick right + R1 (Weapon Skill) > R2.

Enables earlier dodging.
Agility Up SOPFFO
Agility +8
Passive 2 Trigger-happy Increases agility.
Passive SOPPFO
Break +160
Passive 6 Agility +8 Increases break by 160.
Passive SOPPFO
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0%
Passive 8 Break +160 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Spirit Up SOPFFO
Spirit +5
Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases spirit.
Enlightened Magic Marksmanship
Combo Ability Effects 16 Spirit +5 [Weapon Type: Gun]
[Aiming Link]

Enhances abilities set to While Aiming: R2.

Staggers nearby enemies.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +192
Passive 12 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases HP by 192.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Hunter Master Points +3
Passive 17 HP +192 Increases hunter master points acquired.

Job Affinity bonuses[]

Most weapons and items of clothing have a certain percentage of Job Affinity for a certain job. By combining them together and raising this percentage, the character may not only gain extra EXP to that Job, but also unlock abilities and bonuses to their stats. The bonuses for the Hunter Job Affinity are:

Name Job Affinity percentage Description
Hunter's Wisdom I 20% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Hunter's Wisdom II 30% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Sniping I 50% Refills break gauge based on damage dealt when exploiting an enemy weakness.
Hunter's Wisdom III 80% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Sniping II 120% Refills break gauge based on damage dealt when exploiting an enemy weakness.
Hunter's Wisdom IV 160% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Back Attack 250% Makes it easier to perform critical hits from behind and increases their critical chance.
MP Circulation 400% Restores MP on hit by a fixed amount regardless of damage dealt.
Memories of the Last Hunter 600% Deals additional break damage based on agility when exploiting an enemy weakness.
Also enhances the effects of Hunter's Wisdom.
Hunter's Essence 800% Enhances the effects of Hunter's Wisdom, and also boosts stats based on your affinity.


The Hunter is a great addition to the game's supportive job pool by giving the player the ability to multiply their damage from any range at great speeds. In addition, great job synergy due to their job action ability, making it a great boon to physical jobs that also deal heavy damage.


  • High DPS. Able to attack with high damage from a relatively safe, distant position.
  • Job Synergy. Can bolster damage in a straightforward manner similar to the Monk.
  • Agility. With the Barrage and Analyze, the job can take advantage of the multiple hits that it gains and weakness damage buildup for extra critical damage.


  • Limited damage. The Hunter's being limited to only four spells leaves it at a disadvantage when paired with an enemy with weaknesses other than said spells.
  • Break Gauge. The Hunter seems to have limited break gauge, leading to a more defenseless position to be put in more often.


The job gives a stat bonus to Agility and Intellect, giving the character increased critical damage and increased MP recovery with normal attacks, but poorer HP and Spirit in exchange.

Job Stat Rating and Growth by Level
Stat Rating Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 55 Lvl 80 Lvl 99 Lvl 120+
HP D 1325 1765 1901 2007 2095 2191
Strength B 17 20 32 32 32 32
Agility A 19 22 34 34 34 34
Stamina E 14 16 26 26 26 26
Intellect B 17 20 32 32 32 32
Spirit D 15 18 28 28 28 28
Luck D 15 18 30 30 30 30

Recommended Subjobs[]

Recommended Weapon Abilities[]


A ranger is an archetype found in many fantasy fiction and role-playing games. Rangers are usually associated with the wisdom of nature. Rangers tend to be wise, hardy, cunning, and perceptive in addition to being skilled woodsmen.
