Final Fantasy Wiki

The Hundlegs is an enemy exclusive to the Dawn of Souls and and 20th Anniversary releases of Final Fantasy. Like the other members of the centipede family, its Magic Defense is high, so physical attacks work better than magic. It is found in Hellfire Chasm and the deepest levels of Whisperwind Cove in the levels resembling Mount Gulg.



Number Enemies Maximum Can flee? Ambush% Musical theme Location Rate/64
324 Hundlegs 4 large Y 4 Battle Hellfire Chasm - Fire Shrine 3
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B11-19 6
Whisperwind Cove - Mount Gulg B21-29 12

AI script[]

Action Probability
Attack 100%
Flee Morale check
Morale check
# Fear Morale Min flee level 100% flee level % at max level
0 160 81 37.25%
1 120 41 91 100%
2 80 1 51 100%
3 40 1 11 100%
4 0 1 1 100%


Hundlegs comes from a portmanteau between "hundred" and "legs," making a reference to the roots of the word Centipede and the species itself.

Related enemies[]
