Final Fantasy Wiki

The Hug Bug is an enemy in Final Fantasy X-2.





They are moderately difficult, but only when in Oversoul as they can use Triple Attack as well as Thundaga. Protect and Shell are recommended for Oversoul, as well as using high-powered attacks. Zantetsu has a chance of killing, but is not completely reliable when Oversouled. Stick to physical attacks and/or attacks such as Excalibur or other high powered attacks, and it will fall in no time.

Creature Creator[]

Fiend Tale[]

It's spring, and that means breeding season for bugs! As a male, I've been looking for a nice female who will help me leave behind strong offspring. C'mon, I want to breed! Breed, and make lots of babies!
A chance meeting, and I've fallen in love. With her spotted, quick legs, how could I resist Julie? When I'm sad, she cheers me up to raise my spirits. Her smile is like the sun. She's absolutely perfect!
A chance meeting, and I've fallen in love. Those pink antennae... How could you not fall in love with Cindy? She's always touchy-feely, and she can be little ditzy, but that's what I love about her. Why are you looking at me like that? It's not cheating, it's just how bugs are!
A chance meeting, and I've fallen in love, again. Rebekah, with the yellow wart on her head. She is truly the one for me. A more experienced lady who has tasted all life has to offer. I can be myself with perfect! No, I'm telling you, it's not cheating! It's in my blood! My mom said my dad and my grandad always had a way with the ladies! Although neither were around anymore by the time I was born...

In the Fiend Tale endings, a notable Hug Bug was looking for a mate and instead got three: Julie, Cindy, and Rebekah. However, Hug Bug is eaten alive by his wives after breeding with them as they give birth to his children three months later. Viewing this fiend tale unlocks the Papa Eaters enemy team in the Fiend Arena.


Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

  • Creeper
  • Hexapod
  • Hug Bug
  • King VERMIN!