One of the twelve shining arms. The wand is noted for its unique design reminiscent of a spear, and is considered a masterpiece, spoken of in legends, among the white mages to this day. This holy wand is said to cleanse the unclean, and only Visions, or those who hold the heart of light can use it. Only those accepted by The Troubled Strategist, Sheratan, can wield the wand.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius description
Holy Wand (ホーリーワンド, Hooriiwando?) is a recurring weapon in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy III[]
The Holy Wand is the most powerful weapon for the Devout class, only obtainable after a Devout reaches job level 99. It provides 110 Attack and +20 Mind, and casts Curaga when used as an item.
Final Fantasy XI[]
The Holy Wand is a level 67 wand available to all races that increases Divine Magic skill by 4. It has a damage value of 18 and delay of 216, having Light damage as an additional effect. It is crafted by alchemists but can be resold for 2945 gil. It is also used in synthesizing a sacred wand.
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
Holy Wand is a Staff obtained by defeating Sheratan in the Chamber of Arms. It provides 16 ATK, 120 SPR, is Light-elemental, access to the spell Holy, and enables Dual White Magic.