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His Wife's Dream is a side quest in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. After meeting Tobias at Ruffian, the general store owner tasks Lightning with finding his old rival, Ramon, on the desert, who tasks Lightning with finding a keepsake of his late wife.

Quest log[]

Entry 1 - Quest Begins
Ramon was once a hardworking businessman, but he abandoned his shop and now spends his days lounging near the north entrance to the Temple Ruins. The only reason he hasn't left the Dead Dunes is because he is still hoping to find the arithmometer that belonged to his departed wife, Monica. Perhaps Lightning can help.
Entry 2
Ramon's wife, Monica, was killed by a monster out in the desert. Perhaps the monster that did the deed is still prowling the sands. Lightning should search for evidence of monster attacks on merchants and caravans.
If Lightning can find Monica's arithmometer, she should take it to Ramon, who lounges near the north entrance to the Temple Ruins.
Entry 3 - Quest Complete
With his wife's arithmometer in his hands at last, Ramon remembers the dream Monica had for the both of them, in which they built a shop out here in the desert and made it a grand success. Ramon resolves to take up the dream once more. He reopens his shop, Ramon's Essentials, and Lightning becomes his first customer.


"His Wife Dream" can be started after starting "Old Rivals" by talking to the general store owner in Ruffian. Ramon near the north entrance to the Temple Ruins wants to find a memento of his wife who was killed by a monster. In the Grave of the Colossi area, near the tablet shrine, Lightning needs to use a Pilgrim's Crux to unseal the stone by the eastern sandstorm to quell it. The clearing holds a battle against three Goblots to obtain an arithmometer. If the player had already exterminated the Goblot species, the arithmometer will be on the ground, near the skeleton of Monica. Giving the item to Ramon completes the quest and he opens a shop Lightning can use. If the player needs a Pilgrim's Crux to quell the sandstorm, they are commonly found around the desert, but there is also a man in Ruffian who sells them.


Completing the quest earns 1300 gil, Gold Padlock adornment, Max HP +100, Strength +6, and Magic +2. Completing the quest again in a new game plus earns 1950 gil, Max HP +40, Strength +4, and Magic +2. The player also gains access to Ramon's shop:

Item Price Availability
Goblot Notes 120 gil Default
Desert Sahagin Notes 120 gil Default
Skeleton Notes 120 gil Default
Cactuar Notes 180 gil Default