The Hippogriff is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII encountered on the world map in the Mideel Area. It can fly to become a long-range enemy and increase its Evade. It uses L2 Confu only in its first turn, confusing any party member whose level is multiple of 2.
Despite the similar name, the ability ??? should not be confused with ????, an Enemy Skill. This ability will only be used on the ground after Hippogriff has been in the air once. It switches to its flying form after receiving a physical attack when it has under 50% of its max HP. It returns to the ground if hit with a magic attack.
# | Formation |
212 | Hippogriff |
222 | Hippogriff |
Mideel Area | |
Grass | 212 |
Dirt | 222 |
Battle Square (with Highwind available) | |
Group B - Battle 4 | 212 |
AI script[]
AI: Setup {
- TempVar:DfltDf% = Hippogriff's Df%
} AI: Main {
- If (Hippogriff's IdleAnim == On Land) Then
- {
- If (Count == 0) Then
- {
- If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Confusion Status) Then
- {
- Choose Random Opponent without Confusion Status
- Use L2 Confu on Target
- }
- Count = 1
- } Else If (Count = 1 or 2 or 3) Then {
- If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Confusion Status) Then
- {
- Choose Random Opponent without Confusion
- Use <Beak> (Land Version) on Target
- }
- Count = Count + 1
- } Else {
- If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Confusion Status) Then
- {
- Choose Random Opponent without Confusion
- If (TempVar:TakenOff == 0) Then
- {
- Use <Beak> (Land Version) on Target
- } Else {
- Use ??? (Land Version) on Target
- }
- }
- Count = 1
- }
- } Else {
- If (Count == 0 or 1 or 2) Then
- {
- If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Confusion Status) Then
- {
- Choose Random Opponent without Confusion
- Use <Beak> (Air Version) on Target
- }
- Count = Count + 1
- } Else {
- If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Confusion Status) Then
- {
- Choose Random Opponent without Confusion
- If (TempVar:HitsUntilLanding == 0) Then
- {
- Use <Beak> (Air Version) on Target
- } Else {
- Use ??? (Air Version) on Target
- }
- }
- Count = 1
- }
- }
} AI: Counter - Physical {
- If (Hippogriff's IdleAnim == On Land) Then
- {
- Hippogriff's HurtAnim = Flinch (On Land)
- If ((Hippogriff's HP <= 50% of Hippogriff's Max HP)
- AND (TempVar:TakenOff == 0)) Then
- {
- Choose Self
- Use <> on Target
- Hippogriff's IdleAnim = In Air
- Hippogriff's Df% = Hippogriff's Df% + 30
- Hippogriff's Range = 16
- TempVar:TakenOff = 1
- }
- } Else {
- Hippogriff's HurtAnim = Flinch (In Air)
- }
} AI: Counter - Magical {
- If (Hippogriff's IdleAnim != On Land) Then
- {
- Hippogriff's HurtAnim = Flinch (In Air)
- If (TempVar:HitsUntilLanding == 0) Then
- {
- Choose Self
- Use <> on Target
- Hippogriff's IdleAnim = On Land
- Hippogriff's Df% = TempVar:DfltDf%
- Hippogriff's Range = 1
- } Else {
- TempVar:HitsUntilLanding = TempVar:HitsUntilLanding - 1
- }
- } Else {
- Hippogriff's HurtAnim = Flinch (On Land)
- }
Hippogriffs are legendary creatures, hybrids of a griffin and a female horse.