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Louisoix Leveilleur: Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of Hildibrand Sidequests that has since been removed.

The following is a list of Hildibrand Sidequests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.

The Ink Thief[]

  • Mizzenmast innkeep, Mytesyn, has had the ink stolen from his inkwell by a pesky Qiqirn. Before he can enter your name into the inn ledger and rent you a room, he requires that you procure him a fresh pot of ink from a goblin vendor named Sweetnix located just down the stairs from the Drowning Wench.
  • You have received ninety and nine less than one hundred pots of ink from Sweetnix. Hurry the item to Mytesyn in the Drowning Wench before it is "redrying."

Waste Not Want Not[]

  • You arrive at the Roost Inn to find V'korolon, the innkeeper, in a terrible panic. A guest has left a well-worn bag in his room, and she needs someone to return the forgotten article. The guest, a burly man in a black straw hat, is heading for the Gridania airship landing. Take the stairs next to Miounne of the Carline Canopy and catch him before he boards his ship.
  • You have returned the well-worn bag to Pfarahr, its rightful owner. Now head back to the Roost and let V'korolon know the good news.

Ring of Deceit[]

  • Otopa Pottopa, innkeeper at the Hourglass, is in trouble. An important guest has had his wedding ring stolen, and Otopa needs you to help track down the culprit. Start your investigation by talking to the young girl called Judithe, who can usually be found in Pearl Lane behind the inn.
  • As you are questioning Judithe, a mysterious gentleman calling himself Hildibrand interrupts and reveals he is the independent investigator that Otopa engaged to solve the case. Somewhat fortuitously, his assistant discovers the ring in an alehouse at the Mineral Concern. Return to the inn and deliver the good news to Otopa.

The Usual Suspect[]

  • You are roused from your peaceful slumber at the Hourglass in Ul'dah by a loud voice shouting that Dalamud is falling from the sky. In the corridor outside, you find an adventurer fallen to the ground, his weapon stolen. According to Otopa Pottopa, there has been a string of weapon thefts of late. They have reason to suspect a man by the name of Gauwyn. Visit the Coliseum and learn where this man was at the time of the crime.
  • Gauwyn tells you that he has been at the Coliseum all day, and even challenges you to confirm the claim by speaking with the man who has been following him—the ever-vigilant inspector Hildibrand. Given the time of the crime, and with Hildibrand as his witness, Gauwyn seems to have the perfect alibi. Return to the Hourglass and tell Otopa Pottopa what you have learned.

In Plain Sight[]

  • It would seem that the weapon thief who preyed upon adventurers in Ul'dah has come to Gridania. According to V'korolon of the Roost, the suspect has been sighted in the vicinity of the Acorn Orchard. For the peace of mind of the citizens, she urges you to go and see if any suspicious individuals are loitering thereabouts.
  • In the Acorn Orchard, young Nicoliaux tells you that Gauwyn never left his spot by the tree during the time when the theft took place. However, the man was observed trading words with a band of suspicious individuals garbed entirely in red. All evidence suggests that the suspect is not working alone. Take word of this back to V'korolon at the Roost.

Private Eyes[]

  • You've just turned in for a well-earned rest after a long day's adventuring when a rap-tap-tapping at the door wakes you from your blissful slumber. Before you can answer the unwelcome summons, in barges none other than Mizzenmast innkeeper, Mytesyn, claiming that he may have some valuable information on the whereabouts of a wanted criminal known as Gauwyn the Gannet. According to his sources, the Knights of the Barracuda have determined the location of Gauwyn's hideout to be inside a cave to the northwest of Camp Bearded Rock.
  • You arrive at Gauwyn the Gannet's hideout only to learn that he and his band of thieves, the Redmoon Consortium, have already escaped to the northwest. If you are to find the felons, you must follow their trail while it is still fresh.

Mysteries of the Red Moon[]

  • According to Kopuru Fupuru, a reporter staying at the Hourglass departed in such a state of exhaustion that he left his notebook behind. The reporter had apparently been investigating the mystery surrounding Dalamud, and may have uncovered valuable secrets concerning the red moon. Speak to Kopuru Fupuru to gain access to the room, and glean what knowledge you can from the abandoned notebook.
  • After encountering an "unusual character" reciting verse outside the Arrzaneth Ossuary, the reporter decided to cut his investigation short. Make your way to the Ossuary, and discover what else this mysterious figure may have to say.
  • Log out via the bed menu from an inn in any of the three city-states while in possession of Unsealed Memorandum, and a new quest will begin the next time you log in.

Prophecy Inspection[]

  • Your slumber is interrupted by a sudden visit from Inspector Hildibrand. Convinced that he has unlocked the meaning of the prophecy, the inspector explains that a "hero" is needed to halt Dalamud's ominous growth. He then proceeds to interpret "stray seeds" as a hint to this hero's location. And where better to find seeds than in a field? Where, indeed? Make your way to the pumpkin patch by the Coffer & Coffin, and prepare to meet the future savior of Eorzea.
  • The words of the prophecy have led you to Eorzea's savior—an elderly farmer by the name of Alret. Unfortunately, the former adventurer seems more concerned with the bombs scorching his fields than the apocalyptic menace of Dalamud. If you assist Alret by sprinkling "Bomb Bane" around his pumpkin patch, then perhaps the old man might consider departing on his hero's journey.
  • You finish sprinkling "Bomb Bane" around the field. Speak to Alret, and let him know the task is complete.
