Final Fantasy Wiki

Template:Infobox Album Hikari no 4 Senshi: Final Fantasy Gaiden Original Soundtrack is the original soundtrack for Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light. The tracks have 8-bit sounds to them.


  1. 光の4戦士メインテーマ (Four Warriors of Light (Main Theme)
  2. 風の故郷ホルン (Horn, the Home of the Wind)
  3. 風の故郷ホルン(夜) (Horn, the Home of the Wind(Night)
  4. 王宮の調べ (Royal Palace Melody)
  5. 大地を行く (Walking the Ground)
  6. 大地を行く(夜) (Walking the Ground (Night)
  7. 魔物との戦い (Battle with Demons (Battle Theme)
  8. 勝利 (Victory)
  9. あやかしの洞 (Cave of Wraiths)
  10. 魔女の館 (The Witch's Mansion)
  11. 強敵 (A Strong Enemy (Boss Theme)
  12. 絶体絶命 (A Desperate Situation)
  13. クリスタルの導き (Guidance of the Crystal)
  14. 光の4戦士 (The Four Warriors of Light)
  15. 魔法王国グーラ (Magic Kingdom Gula)
  16. 魔法王国グーラ(夜) (Magic Kingdom Gula (Night)
  17. 芸術の都リベルテ (Liberte, the Capital of Art)
  18. 芸術の都リベルテ(夜) (Liberte, the Capital of Art (Night)
  19. 商業都市ウルペス (Trading City Vulpes)
  20. 商業都市ウルペス(夜) (Trading City Vulpes (Night)
  21. 商売は楽し (Business is Fun)
  22. 今はおやすみ (Good Night, Now)
  23. 伝説の鯨 (The Legendary Whale)
  24. 禁断の地エルバ (Elva, the Forbidden Land)
  25. 閉ざされたインビディア (Closed-Off Invidia)
  26. ドラゴンの卵 (The Dragon Egg)
  27. ドラゴンに乗って (Riding on the Dragon)
  28. 天空のスペルビア (Heavenly Superbia)
  29. 天空のスペルビア(夜) (Heavenly Superbia (Night)
  30. 呪われた町 (Cursed Town)
  31. 魔王のしもべ (The Demon King's Servants)
  32. 迫りくる恐怖 (Approaching Dread)
  33. 危機一髪 (Crisis by a Hair)
  34. 敗北 (Defeat)
  35. 冒険のしるべ (Adventurous Friends)
  36. 異空間 (Another Space)
  37. 魔王の鼓動 (The Demon King's Heartbeat)
  38. 最後の戦い (The Final Battle)
  39. 魔王カオス (Chaos, the Demon King)
  40. 旅の終わり (The End of the Journey)
  41. 冒険は終わらない (The Adventure Doesn't End)

External Links

Template:FFT4HoL Template:Music
