Final Fantasy Wiki

Uses GrandTrain attack when its Elbonites are killed. Hold Strago back until he's learned GrandTrain. Use Pearl and Fire 3 for a quick victory.

PlayStation Bestiary entry

Hidon is an optional boss in Final Fantasy VI. It is a monster that was hunted by Strago and Gungho in their youth, but they could never defeat it. Hidon is the only enemy in the game (besides Omega Weapon in the Advance and 2014 releases) to use Grand Delta, Strago's ultimate Lore. Hidon respawns when defeated and can be fought repeatedly. The player must keep talking to Gungho, and eventually he will say that Hidon has reappeared. The player will need to collect 22 pieces of Coral to feed the talking treasure chest all over again.

Hidon shares the same field sprite as Typhon, but is green rather than pink.




The battle in the 2014 version.

Hidon is an undead boss flanked by four Erebus that use various status attacks and each have different weaknesses and strengths. If a party member is KO'd, Hidon will use Crypt Dust, turning them into a Zombie Zombie. It can also cast Bio. Once all the Erebus are defeated, Hidon uses Grand Delta to deal powerful non-elemental damage to the party.

A Thornlet, one of the game's strongest helmets, can be rarely stolen from Hidon, which can then be bet in the Coliseum for Mirage Vests.


Ribbons, Amulets, Star Pendants, and Fairy Rings are useful to immunize against status ailments.

The fastest way to kill the four Erebus is to cast Ultima.

Once Strago learns Grand Delta, the player can use a Phoenix Down or a revival spell on Hidon, defeating it instantly since it is an undead boss.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
464 Hidon, Erebus x4 Y N N N Sides, synch. The Decisive Battle 6
Hide start messages.

AI script[]

Attack Turns:

1st Turn: Attack (66%) or Bio (33%)

If attacked by anything: Poison (33%)

If Hidon is by itself:

1st Turn: Venomist (33%) or Attack (33%) or Leech (33%)
2nd Turn: Attack (66%) or Leech (33%)
3rd Turn: Venomist (33%) or Attack (33%) or Leech (33%)

If all four Erebus are dead:

If Timer >= 80:
Revive all four Erebus
Unset Var36

If Var36 is not set:

If Hidon is by itself:
Monster flashes
Grand Delta (100%)
Set Var36

If Character #1 has KO status and does NOT have Zombie status:

Target: Character #1
Crypt Dust (100%)

If Character #2 has KO status and does NOT have Zombie status:

Target: Character #2
Crypt Dust (100%)

If Character #3 has KO status and does NOT have Zombie status:

Target: Character #3
Crypt Dust (100%)

If Character #4 has KO status and does NOT have Zombie status:

Target: Character #4
Crypt Dust (100%)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Hidon
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Hidon FFVI from FFBE enemy sprite
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Other media[]

Bahamut Lagoon - Hidon Sprite

Hidon appears in Bahamut Lagoon as the dark form of some of Puppy class dragons.


According to Strago, Hidon's name comes from the word "hidden", referring to how difficult it is to find.

Related enemies[]
