Final Fantasy Wiki

What greeted us was not the home that I had left behind. There was no mistaking we had reached Yyasulani, and yet... It was wholly unlike my memories. The lands of my childhood had changed beyond imagining. To where had I returned? We tread on, the darkened skies above a mirror to my heart. Clouded with fear and uncertainty.

Heritage Found is a location in Final Fantasy XIV introduced in the expansion Dawntrail. It was originally the area of Yyasulani, until an interdimensional fusion with Alexandria merged the two lands together and greatly altered the landscape.



Places of interest[]


Musical themes[]

  • "Flash in the Dark": Heritage Found's daytime field theme.
  • "Crash in the Dark": Heritage Found's nighttime field theme.
  • "Desertwalkers": Xak Tural settlement theme.
  • "Tantalus's Theme (Dawntrail)": Earthen Sky instanced area theme.

Behind the scenes[]

