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Raya–O–Senna is wearing a concerned expression.

Quest description

Heart of the Forest Heart of the Forest is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • With time running out, and yet lacking the means to complete the enchantment of your ritual garb, the Seedseer siblings have come to the decision that the three of you must attempt the Quieting nonetheless. Make for Everschade and quell the fury of the Guardian Tree.
  • As you begin the ritual, the great one's wrath descends upon you in the form of a bevy of enraged forest creatures. However, before all hope is lost, A–Towa–Cant himself appears from out of the aether to fight alongside you. After a grueling battle, the great mage is again forced back into his aetherial slumber, but not before entrusting the future of the Twelveswood to you and the Seedseers. With peace returned at last, return to Camp Tranquil and speak with Raya–O–Senna.
  • Raya–O–Senna expresses her profound gratitude for your assistance in the ritual. In recognition of your accomplishments as a white mage, she bestows upon you the last piece of your garb─now imbued with the power of the departed A–Towa–Cant─and imparts unto you the most powerful incantation she knows. Expressing her confidence that you will bring succor to the realm and do her people proud, she wishes you well in your journeys.

※The next white mage quest will be available from Raya–O–Senna once you have completed the main scenario quest “Before the Dawn.”


  • Quell the fury of the Guardian Tree in Everschade.
  • Speak with Raya–O–Senna at Camp Tranquil.


Heart of the Forest Heart of the Forest script
Rayaosenna Forgive me, [Player Name]. Brother and I have considered every possibility, and attempted every incantation at our disposal, but I fear the task of completing the enchantment has proven beyond our abilities.
Aruhnsenna No living Padjal─not even our sister─possesses such power. Without the blessing of A–Towa–Cant, there is nothing we can do.
Rayaosenna With the ashes returned to their rightful resting place, A–Towa–Cant's spirit will return. Surely, it is only a matter of time!
Aruhnsenna Look around you, Sister. Open your eyes and ears. Time is one thing we do not have.
Rayaosenna A–Ruhn?
Aruhnsenna The fury of the great one mounts with each passing moment─it will not be contained much longer. No, the time for waiting is long past. Now is the time for action.
Rayaosenna But...[Player Name]'s garb! The enchanting is not yet complete!
Aruhnsenna The situation is far from ideal. Yet we have no choice─we must trust in [Player Name]'s powers and do what we can.
Rayaosenna Do I hear you right, A–Ruhn? Why, it was not long ago that you objected to [Player Name]'s very presence at the ritual!
Aruhnsenna I may be stubborn, Sister, but I am no fool. I have witnessed [Player Name]'s abilities with my own eyes. There can be no doubting that s/he is a mage of the white, one as worthy as you and I.
Rayaosenna A–Ruhn...if you would place your trust in [Player Name] so, I see no reason why I should not. Very well, let us hasten for Everschade!
Rayaosenna Is something the matter, [Player Name]? This is no time to lose faith in your abilities! Hurry and take your place by the Guardian Tree!
Aruhnsenna [Player Name]... I speak to you now as my peer. The fate of Gridania lies in the balance─we can ill afford to fail.
Aruhnsenna The great one's rage is too strong! I cannot reach him!
Rayaosenna Stay focused, A–Ruhn! If we fall, who will rise to take our place!?
Aruhnsenna But, Sister...the forest itself turns against us!
Rayaosenna If we can only reach the great one, his minions will relent. Cast away your worries, and focus your mind on the ritual!
Rayaosenna No! [Player Name]!
Atowacant Stand strong, [Player Name]! Are you going to let some overgrown shrub ruffle your feathers?
Atowacant And the two of you! Don't you have a ritual to perform?
Aruhnsenna D-Do... Do my eyes deceive me!?
Atowacant This is no time for chitchat! Raya–O, A–Ruhn, [Player Name]─focus your energies on the Guardian Tree!
Atowacant We must quell the great one's fury! Dispatch its minions and resume the Quieting!
Atowacant Now! Focus your powers on the Guardian Tree!
Rayaosenna Is it...over?
Atowacant The great one's anger abates. You have done well, my children.
Aruhnsenna Master A–Towa. Do you
Atowacant Live...? Not as you would define the word. Mayhap in the heart of [Player Name] here, whose strength I borrowed to join you.
Rayaosenna It's...a miracle.
Atowacant Aye, it may very well be. Or perhaps the Mothercrystal heard this old soul's wish...
Atowacant I lived a long and fruitful life. But when I drew my last breath in O'Ghomoro that day, I did so with one profound regret─that I would pass from this realm without finding a worthy inheritor to bequeath my knowledge in full.
Atowacant My spirit left my lifeless body to abide in this soul crystal, with the hope that one day it would find its way into the hands of my successor.
Atowacant For years, my consciousness slumbered in the darkness...until I met [Player Name].
Atowacant From the moment you took my crystal in hand, I knew. Padjal or no, I had at long last found one to whom I could truly pass on my knowledge.
Atowacant Yes, [Player Name], I knew... Urrrgh!
Aruhnsenna Master A–Towa!?
Atowacant The power of the crystal grows faint... It would seem my all–too–brief sojourn here has come to an end.
Atowacant Farewell, [Player Name] of the white. Farewell, my children. I leave my forest home in your capable hands...
Rayaosenna Master A–Towa... He has left us.
Aruhnsenna And yet by his power─and that of his successor, [Player Name]─the great one's fury is quelled, and the Twelveswood is safe.
Aruhnsenna Though Master A–Towa traveled the world, no doubt his heart always remained here. In the forest home he loved, he waited for us...
Rayaosenna Why, Brother...for once, you almost sound wise beyond your years.
Aruhnsenna Strange, is it not? Perhaps I have finally learned something from you, dear sister.
Rayaosenna As I could learn something from you, A–Ruhn. Your pride as a Padjal, your deep respect for our past─these are traits to be admired. The same can be said for Master A–Towa's liberality. Yes, I believe there is a place for both beliefs among our kind.
Rayaosenna The road was a long and winding one, but at long last our work is done. Let us return to Camp Tranquil.
Rayaosenna To meet Master A–Towa in the flesh! Well, not flesh, perhaps... I am still shaking from the experience...and from the pure joy of seeing peace return to my forest home at last.
Rayaosenna I will be forever grateful to you, [Player Name]. I am honored that we were able to heal the wood together.
Rayaosenna I speak not only for myself; my brother has expressed the same sentiments. Were Master A–Towa here, I am sure he would say the same.
Rayaosenna Though...perhaps he is still here in some form. Behold! The final piece of your garb now pulses with his ancient power.
Rayaosenna Yes, there can be no doubt that Master A–Towa intended this as his parting gift to you.
Rayaosenna Take it, and wear it with pride...[Player Name] of the white.
Rayaosenna Before we part, I would bestow unto you a present of my own.
Rayaosenna By the ancient powers vested in me as a Seedseer, I bestow upon you the greatest incantation known to our kind. May you ever heed the will of the elementals, and use it in wisdom and compassion.
Rayaosenna Phew! I'm not given to formalities. I swear, I do not know how my sister manages...
Rayaosenna In the short time I have known you, [Player Name], you have grown into a fine white mage. I am honored to call you my peer. Use your powers in moderation, and let compassion be your guide, and I have no doubt that you will bring succor and solace wherever your journey takes you.
Quest complete.