Final Fantasy Wiki

Hashmalum, the Regulator

Hashmalum the Regulator is the fifth Lucavi demon that Ramza Beoulve must fight in Final Fantasy Tactics. Second-in-command of the Lucavi, he is associated with the Leo Zodiac Stone and has posessed Vormav Tingel, leader of the Temple Knights of the corrupt Murond Glabados Church. He has several powerful attacks like Earthquake. Ramza fights him at the Graveyard of Airships, where he is attempting to bring his master Altima back to life. After receiving a wound from Ramza, Hashmalum will commit suicide to provide his own blood for Altima's resurrection. This works, and Ramza must battle Altima shortly afterward.


  • Speed Ruin- unusable because it requires a sword
  • Spell (Curse?)
  • Death Cold (Chill)

Dimension Magic

Traits: Short Charge, cannot enter water

