Gurangatch is an enemy from Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII fought on the Dead Dunes . One is fought as part of the main quest to quell God's Wrath in "Adonis's Audition ". The Slaughterhouse version is called Iron Wall Gurangatch .
Stats [ ]
With Carapace
Easy: [Days 1-6] 67,200 [Days 7-9] 107,520 [Days 10-12] 134,400 [Day 13] 201,600
Normal: [Days 1-6] 84,000 [Days 7-9] 134,400 [Days 10-12] 168,000 [Day 13] 252,000
Hard: [Days 1-6] 294,000 [Days 7-9] 470,400 [Days 10-12] 588,000 [Day 13] 882,000
Easy: [Days 1-6] 144 [Days 7-9] 187.2 [Days 10-12] 230.4 [Day 13] 288
Normal: [Days 1-6] 240 [Days 7-9] 312 [Days 10-12] 384 [Day 13] 480
Hard: [Days 1-6] 600 [Days 7-9] 780 [Days 10-12] 960 [Day 13] 1,200
Easy: [Days 1-6] 720 [Days 7-9] 936 [Days 10-12] 1,152 [Day 13] 1,440
Normal: [Days 1-6] 1,200 [Days 7-9] 1,560 [Days 10-12] 1,920 [Day 13] 2,400
Hard: [Days 1-6] 3,000 [Days 7-9] 3,900 [Days 10-12] 4,800 [Day 13] 6,000
Keep( The lower the number, the easier it is to interrupt enemy actions.)
Disruption( If the ability used by Lightning has higher Cut than enemy has Keep, this ability can interrupt the enemy.)
Easy/Normal: [Days 1-6] 980 [Days 7-9] 1,470 [Days 10-12] 1,960 [Day 13] 2,940
Hard: [Days 1-6] 2,940 [Days 7-9] 4,410 [Days 10-12] 5,880 [Day 13] 8,820
Easy: 4Normal: 2.00Hard: 1
30%/50%( Carapace 75%) /70%( Carapace 50%) /100%( Carapace 25%)
30%/50%( Carapace 75%) /70%( Carapace 50%) /100%( Carapace 25%)
30%/50%( Carapace 75%) /70%( Carapace 50%) /100%( Carapace 25%)
1%/10%( Carapace 75%) /30%( Carapace 50%) /50%( Carapace 25%)
1%/10%( Carapace 75%) /30%( Carapace 50%) /50%( Carapace 25%)
Stagger Conditions
1: Unleash physical and magic attacks. The effect is greater when the enemy is affected by a debilitating status ailment.
All attacks: x1( Carapace 100%) /x1.5( Carapace 75%) /x2( Carapace 50%) /x3( Carapace 25%)
Stagger Point (Decay)
Preservation (Decay)
800 (10/0.2( Staggered) )
1,000 (50)
Iterative Resistance
Further staggering
Without Carapace
Easy: [Days 1-6] 67,200 [Days 7-9] 107,520 [Days 10-12] 134,400 [Day 13] 201,600
Normal: [Days 1-6] 84,000 [Days 7-9] 134,400 [Days 10-12] 168,000 [Day 13] 252,000
Hard: [Days 1-6] 294,000 [Days 7-9] 470,400 [Days 10-12] 588,000 [Day 13] 882,000
Easy: [Days 1-6] 72 [Days 7-9] 93.6 [Days 10-12] 115.2 [Day 13] 144
Normal: [Days 1-6] 120 [Days 7-9] 156 [Days 10-12] 192 [Day 13] 240
Hard: [Days 1-6] 300 [Days 7-9] 390 [Days 10-12] 480 [Day 13] 600
Easy: [Days 1-6] 240 [Days 7-9] 312 [Days 10-12] 384 [Day 13] 480
Normal: [Days 1-6] 400 [Days 7-9] 520 [Days 10-12] 640 [Day 13] 800
Hard: [Days 1-6] 1,000 [Days 7-9] 1,300 [Days 10-12] 1,600 [Day 13] 2,000
Keep( The lower the number, the easier it is to interrupt enemy actions.)
Disruption( If the ability used by Lightning has higher Cut than enemy has Keep, this ability can interrupt the enemy.)
Easy/Normal: [Days 1-6] 980 [Days 7-9] 1,470 [Days 10-12] 1,960 [Day 13] 2,940
Hard: [Days 1-6] 2,940 [Days 7-9] 4,410 [Days 10-12] 5,880 [Day 13] 8,820
Easy: 4Normal: 2.00Hard: 1
Stagger Conditions
1: Unleash physical and magic attacks. The effect is greater when the enemy is affected by a debilitating status ailment.
All attacks: x1( Carapace 100%) /x1.5( Carapace 75%) /x2( Carapace 50%) /x3( Carapace 25%)
Stagger Point (Decay)
Preservation (Decay)
800 (10/0.2( Staggered) )
1,000 (50)
Iterative Resistance
Further staggering
Battle [ ]
Gurangatch has high defenses. When staggered , it becomes vulnerable to damage as its carapace will momentarily break. Its Plaguebreath inflicts multiple status ailments. It resist elements bar wind.
Strategy [ ]
Inflicting multiple status ailments and using "-ra" spells is optimal, especially Aerora . When staggered, the player can use physical attacks with that deal heavy damage, like Heavy Slash . It is best to carry a stock of Remedy or Mega Remedy .
Etymology [ ]
[view · edit · purge ] In Aboriginal Australian mythology, a Gurangatch is a giant eel-like creature, an incarnation of the ancestral rainbow serpent. It could swim through water and bore through stone and his travels created many of the continent's rivers and lakes.
Related enemies [ ]