Final Fantasy Wiki

Template:SideiconTemplate:FFVII Enemies The Guardian is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII. It can be found at the Junon Underwater Reactor while doing the Huge Materia Quest. It only has physical attacks.

AI Script

AI: Setup {

Count = Rnd(0..4)
SpclChance = 8
If (1/3 Chance) Then
Choose Self
Use <Power Plus> on Target
Count = 3

} AI: Main {

If (Count == 0 or 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Rocket Punch> on Target
If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Rocket Punch> on Target
Count = Count + 1
} Else If (Count == 2) Then {
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Rocket Punch> on Target
If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use <Rocket Punch> on Target
Count = Rnd(2..4)
} Else If (Count == 3) Then {
Choose Random Opponent
Use W Rocket Punch
If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use W Rocket Punch on Target
Count = 0
} Else {
Choose Random Opponent
Use Jumping Blow on Target
If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then
Choose Random Opponent
Use Jumping Blow on Target
Count = 0

} AI: Counter - General {

If (Guardian's HP <= 25% of Guardian's Max HP) Then
SpclChance = 2
} Else If (Guardian's HP <= 50% of Guardian's Max HP) Then {
SpclChance = 4
} Else If (Guardian's HP <= 75% of Guardian's Max HP) Then {
SpclChance = 6
} Else {
SpclChance = 8

} AI: Counter - Death {

Turn off Death Handling for Guardian
Choose Self
Use <Vanish> on Target
Remove Guardian(Right)
Remove Guardian(Left)

