The Guardian is a boss exclusive to Final Fantasy V Advance and the 2013 Matrix Software version of the game, likely based on the Final Fantasy VI boss of the same name. It is fought in the area right before Enuo in the Lethe Court section of the Sealed Temple.
The Guardian enters battle with 2 Launchers and a Wave Cannon. It is immune to all status effects. Unlike the Soul Cannon, it has no elemental weakness and absorbs lightning-element.
The Guardian is invincible until both of its Launchers are taken down. The Guardian itself does nothing while its Launchers are alive.
The Launchers use the following actions:
- Senescent Beam - The name of this attack is not displayed. Deals 1/2 of current HP damage and may inflict old to one target.
- Blue Magic Missile - Deals 3/4 of current HP damage to one target.
- Rocket Punch - Only used by the top Launcher. Deals 1/2 of max HP damage and may inflict confuse to one target.
- Rainbow Wind - Only used by the top Launcher. May inflict darkness, silence and sap to one target.
- Mustard Bomb - Only used by the side Launcher. Deals non-elemental damage and inflicts sap to one target.
- Blue Magic Flash - Only used by the side Launcher. May inflict darkness to the whole party.
The Wave Cannon spends 6 turns charging, displaying a different message each turn. On its seventh turn, it unleashes two back-to-back Wave Cannon attacks, each of which does 1/2 of max HP damage and inflicts sap. Unless a character dodges at least one Wave Cannon attack, they will be knocked out. Unlike the Launchers, the Wave Cannon does not protect the Guardian.
When both Launchers are destroyed, the Guardian becomes vulnerable to damage and begins to attack. It uses the following abilities:
- Delta Attack - Deals damage and may inflict petrify to one target.
- Gravity - Deals damage equal to 1/2 of current HP to one target.
- Graviga - Deals damage equal to 7/8 of current HP to one target.
- Reverse Polarity - Reverses the row positions of the party.
- Blue Magic Off-Guard - Attempts to halve defence and magic defence on one target.
- Encircle - Attempts to erase one target.
- Atomic Ray - Deals fire-elemental damage to the party.
- Electrocute - Deals lightning-elemental damage to the party.
On its fifth turn after the Launchers were destroyed, it will revive both of the Launchers at full health and become invincible again.
If the Wave Cannon is destroyed, and if the Guardian takes HP damage after it casts Gravity or Graviga but before it revives the Launchers, the Guardian will revive the Wave Cannon at full health.
AI script[]
If at least one Launcher is alive:
- Nothing
If no Launcher is alive:
- Become vulnerable, activate default AI
- Delta Attack
- Gravity (33.3%) / Graviga (66.6%), set Wave Cannon revive flag
- Reverse Polarity / Off-Guard / Encircle
- Atomic Ray (33.3%) / Electrocute (66.6%)
- Show message: "The armor has been completely restored!", revive both Launchers at full HP, unset Wave Cannon revive flag, become invulnerable
If Wave Cannon is dead and Wave Cannon revive flag is set,
- Reaction on HP damage:
- Revive Wave Cannon at full HP, unset Wave Cannon revive flag
Hermes Sandals are the most effective accessory to equip, to grant as many turns possible before the Wave Cannon completes its charge. Ribbon can prevent many of the status ailments the Guardian tries to inflict.
Destroying the Launchers and Wave Cannon takes priority. The party should use any powerful multi-target ability to defeat them, such as summoning Bahamut or Leviathan (amplified with Dualcast and/or Quick if available), Zeninage, or a damaging Combine cannon attack. Once the Launchers and Wave Cannon are down, the party can unleash Rapid Fire against the Guardian. High level parties should win in a few turns.
Lower level parties may need to prepare defenses. As many of the abilities of the Guardian and its parts deal fractional damage, Mixing Dragon Kiss can block many of their attacks, including the dangerous Encircle. Dragon Shielding can also nullify Atomic Ray and Electrocute. Singing Mighty March can offset the sap ailment, and level boosting with Hero's Rime or Dragon Power can increase the potency of the regen.
When the Launchers are about to be destroyed, the player can Summon Carbuncle to reflect nearly all of the Guardian's resulting attacks.
If the player cannot destroy the Wave Cannon before it fires, they can use Jump or Hide to avoid the double Wave Cannon barrage.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]