Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following is a list of Gridanian Sidequests from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0.
Proceed with Caution[]
- Journal
- Sandre tells you of the bumps and scrapes he has suffered while out gathering in the forest at night. It occurs to him that if the fires within the Watchers burned brighter, the task would be much safer. Take the flask of ceruleum compound he has given you, and fuel the flames of the three Watchers he has marked on your map.
- You have poured the ceruleum concoction over all the Watchers, and their fires burn brighter than ever. The nights are now a great deal safer. Return to the Greatloam Growery and speak to Sandre.
The Search for Sicksa[]
- Journal
- Beli, a leatherworker at Atelier Fen-Yll, has been asked by a customer to verify the authenticity of a hide thought to be that of sicksa—a legendary beast of Gridanian folklore whose existence has never been confirmed. He has requested that you obtain eight silky-smooth marmot hides by slaying bristletail marmots west of Camp Emerald Moss. It is his belief that comparing the mysterious hide with these specimens will assist in its identification.
- You have obtained the eight silky-smooth marmot hides that Beli requested. Deliver them to him at Atelier Fen-Yll.
Playing with Fire[]
- Journal
- Maroile of the Stillglade Fane tells you of several Watchers around Gridania that have been vandalized with a strange oily substance. It has caused the fire elementals within to burn uncontrollably, and the conjurers are unable to commune with them. To calm the raging flames, take the heated gallipot she has given you, and visit the three extinguished hearths she has marked on your map.
- You have visited the extinguished hearths and calmed the raging flames of the fire elemental. Return to the Stillglade Fane and speak to Maroile.
A Well-Balanced Diet[]
- Journal
- V'nabyano of the Greatloam Growery has expressed her grave concern for Sandre's health, given his aversion to eating vegetables. She asks that you find a vegetable so undeniably delicious that not even the meat-loving Sandre could spurn it, and bring her eight of them. Speak to Mestonnaux to find out more.
- Mestonnaux's memorandums indicate that the Tinolqa popoto is uncontested in its position as Eorzea's most delectable vegetable. It is also written that the Tinolqa popoto is a favorite of popoto-opotos in the area north of Camp Tranquil, where the plant flourishes. Kill popoto-opotos and pry eight Tinolqa popotoes from their cold, dead hands.
- You have wrested eight Tinolqa popotoes free from the clutches of several dead popoto-opotos. Return to V'nabyano at the Greatloam Growery with the good news.
Say it with Wolf Tails[]
- Journal
- Imania's son Francis is a recent enlistee in Gridania's Wood Wailers. To put his mother's worries to rest, he intends to slay a pack of wolves to show that being a lancer is serious business. He asks that you travel to the Mun-Tuy Cellars ahead of him, and slay eight gnawing gnats to prevent them from obstructing him during his battle.
- You have slain eight gnawing gnats, clearing an area for Francis to battle the wolves. Report back to him at the Wailing Barracks in Gridania.
- Francis has returned victorious against the wolves, and made a trophy of their soft, severed tails. He asks that you deliver it to his mother back in Limsa Lominsa.
The Penultimate Prank[]
- Journal
- At the Acorn Orchard just outside the Oak Atrium, you encounter young Nicoliaux, who asks for your cooperation in playing a prank on some grown-ups—his favorite pastime. Travel to Humblehearth and slay aurora anglers to procure the eight blinking eyes he requires.
- You have obtained the eight blinking eyes Nicoliaux requested. Return to the Acorn Orchard, present them to him, and let the pranks begin.
The Ultimate Prank[]
- Journal
- The prank Nicoliaux played using the blinking eyes worked magnificently—rendering a grown, armored man incontinent and unconscious. In between giggles, Nicoliaux asks you to find the man, who is surely still somewhere in Gridania, and inquire after his health.
- You find Sylbyrt at the Adventurers' Guild, his pride grievously wounded. He hatches a plan to scare young Nicoliaux straight by convincing him that his prank inexplicably turned Sylbyrt into a wildling, and that he now roams the wood seeking vengeance. To lend credence to the tale, Sylbyrt asks that you bring him three tawdry torques. They can be found on the wandering wights that haunt the Mun-Tuy Cellars.
- You have obtained three tawdry torques, as per Sylbyrt's request. Deliver them to him back at the Adventurers' Guild in Gridania.
- Take the cedar marionette and tawdry torques and visit young Nicoliaux in the Acorn Orchard, just outside the Oak Atrium.
Seeing the Seers[]
- Journal
- The sentry Kinnison, who stands watch before the Lotus Stand, is concerned over the well-being of the Seedseers—Gridania's three wood-wandering sages. He requests that you call upon five townspeople who may well have seen or heard from them in recent days. Visit the individuals and learn what you can.
- You have spoken with each of the forestborn to whom you were directed. Return to the Lotus Stand and pass on what you have learned to Kinnison.
Stone Deaf[]
- Journal
- Sister Kinborow at Stillglade Fane has told you of the conjurers' inability to commune with the stone elementals of late. To aid their efforts, she asks that you travel to Camp Tranquil within the Black Shroud. There you must collect five séance stones by slaying the galagos that inhabit the area.
- You have obtained the five séance stones that Sister Kinborow requested. Return to Stillglade Fane and proudly show her your fine stones.
In the Name of Science[]
- Journal
- The naturalist Marcette is conducting research of the region's wildlife for an upcoming article in the accredited publication, Eorzean Geographic. As ever, the best research subject is a dead research subject, so slay sabletooth spriggans near the Tam-Tara Deepcroft in the south of Gridania, and bring her four sable teeth.
- You have ended the lives of numerous sabletooth spriggans, and pried four of their characteristic sable teeth from their still warm gums. Hurry back to Gridania and deliver the goods to Marcette.
Hearing Confession[]
- Journal
- After twenty years in mountainous seclusion, Azeyma's humble servant Swaenhylt has returned to bring the Warden's word to Eorzea's nonbelievers. Guided by the visions sent to him by Azeyma herself, seek out the four lost souls and take their confession.
- You have located the four lost souls of whom Swaenhylt spoke, and taken their confessions. Return to the banks of Black Tea Brook in Gridania and tell him of your deeds.
Scrubbing the Soul[]
- Journal
- The botanist Mestonnaux tells you of Garlean soldiers defiling the forest, and reveals that the conjurers intend to hold a cleansing rite to quell the elementals' anger. To aid him, visit each of the town's guilds, and pass on word of the forthcoming rite.
- Nuala of the Wood Wailers has entrusted you with a message for Mestonnaux. It seems a tree in the forest south of Camp Bentbranch has been badly scarred by someone or something. Return to the Greatloam Growery and deliver the news.
- Mestonnaux is greatly distressed by Nuala's news. To learn more of what has happened, he asks that you travel to the south of Camp Bentbranch and find this scarred tree.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- You are attacked by a band of Garlean soldiers, but manage to defeat them. Afterwards, you find a Hyur and a Lalafell hiding in a cave nearby. Speak to them and learn if they know anything about the scarred tree that you seek.
- Bardo's expert eye claims that the scars on the tree were made by Garlean blades. But what of this creature of light seen by these two engineers of the Garlond Ironworks? Return to Greatloam Growery and report back to Mestonnaux.
Hunting the Hunters[]
- Journal
- O'dhinek of the Gods' Quiver informs you that one of their ranks was recently attacked by a band of Ixal in the Black Shroud, and very nearly killed. Lacking the manpower for a thorough search, she asks that you aid in the effort to track the birdmen responsible. Search the area near Quarrymill, and end the lives of these harrying Ixal.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- You have put down the band of Ixal that had stolen into the forest. Return to the Quiver's Hold in Gridania, and report back to O'dhinek of your deeds.
Embarrassing Excerpts[]
- Journal
- At the Blue Badger Gate in Gridania, the panic-stricken Lonsygg tells you of his journal, which he keeps hidden in the wood, and how he recently came upon a pack of opo-opos shredding it to pieces and carrying off the scraps. Be a good adventurer, and retrieve the five missing journal scraps from the opo-opos near the Mun-Tuy Cellars.
- You have succeeded in retrieving the five missing journal scraps from the opo-opos. Return to the Blue Badger Gate in Gridania and deliver them to Lonsygg.
A Forbidden Love[]
- Journal
- In the hamlet of Quarrymill in the South Shroud, Ethelinda shares with you the risque contents of a love letter she has received from her fellow Wood Wailer and admirer, Lonsygg. In response, she intends to send a bouquet, and asks that you gather three weaver lilies from the corpses of mirror roselets near Humblehearth.
- You have gathered three weaver lilies and fashioned a completely respectable bouquet. Travel to the Blue Badger Gate in Gridania and deliver the flowers to Lonsygg.
- The letter in Ethelinda's possession is not a letter at all, but a racy excerpt from Lonsygg's opo-opo confessions! Return to Quarrymill in the South Shroud, and break the bad, and somewhat disturbing, news.
Last Respects[]
- Journal
- Eadbert, a Wood Wailer stationed at Hyrstmill, tells you the tragic tale of a little girl who recently fell victim to Ixal within the forest. He asks that you bring him four servings of treehollow brew, so that they may honor the girl's memory in the traditional Hyrstmill way. Seek out the lemurs of Treespeak, and take their drink from them.
- You have gathered the four servings of treehollow brew requested of you. Return to Hyrstmill and speak to Eadbert once more.
Spores on the Brain[]
- Journal
- The naturalist Marcette is now conducting research to compose her second article for Eorzean Geographic. Her subject this time around—funguars. She has asked that you slay as many mature funguars as you must to procure eight mature funguar spore sacs.
- You have collected eight mature funguar spore sacs from the fresh carcasses of mature funguars. Return to Gridania and present your bounty to Marcette.
A Bitter Oil to Swallow[]
- Journal
- Eugenaire of the Trappers' League finds himself in a pinch after receiving a request for scarlet oil from a sentry named Chamberliaux at Buscarron's Fold. It seems the League's stores of the oil are in short supply. Eugenaire asks that you collect eight dollops of scarlet oil from the mouths of freshly slain oilbugs, and then deliver them to Chamberliaux. Travel to the lands south of Buscarron's Fold, and slay the innocent beasts for their precious oil.
- Many oilbugs have died this day... But their precious oil is yours! All that remains is to deliver it to Chamberliaux at Buscarron's Fold. But for what purpose could he possibly require it?
To Deskunk a Beer[]
- Journal
- The wealthy merchant Fafajon, recently come to Gridania, seeks to amass even more wealth by selling Mun-Tuy brew to the Knights of Ishgard. Lefwyne, an aspiring trader lingering just outside the Ebony Stalls, is interested to know what the Ishgardians' impressions of the stout liquor are, and requests that you travel to Owl's Nest in Coerthas to ask them directly.
- You have heard what the Knights of Ishgard stationed at Owl's Nest think of the sample batch of Mun-Tuy brew sent to them by Fafajon. Though highly in favor of its practical applications, the pungent odor of the fermented bean mash used in its production is simply beyond nauseating. Return to Gridania and report what you have learned to Lefwyne.
- Lefwyne has informed you that the slightest bit of sourleaf nectar will do away with the horrendous stink of fermented bean mash that plagued the first batch sent to Owl's Nest. Travel to Humblehearth in the Black Shroud and slay the sourleaf roselets found there. Then, attempt to extract the nectar from their fresh remains.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- You have procured a dollop of sourleaf nectar. Return to Gridania and present it to Lefwyne.
A Slippery Stone[]
- Journal
- At the Adventurers' Guild in Gridania, Miounne entrusts you with a task from the Order of the Twin Adder. A legendary stone said to contain the spirit of one of the forest's great elementals is thought to be hidden somewhere in a labyrinthine cave known as Shposhae on the isle of Vylbrand. The Twin Adder wishes to send someone to conduct a search. You must travel to the Astalicia in Limsa Lominsa, and learn whatever you can from a pirate named Hasthwab. As time is of the essence, you have been ordered to take the airship across the Strait of Merlthor. Head down the stairs in the Carline Canopy to reach the airship landing, and present the ticket Miounne provided to gain passage.
- You present your ticket at the airship landing. Wait for your vessel to arrive and then board it to be whisked away to Limsa Lominsa. Once there, seek out the pirate Hasthwab aboard the Astalicia and learn what he knows of Shposhae and the legendary stone.
Disorganized Crime[]
- Journal
- At Stillglade Fane, Biddy tells you of the Gridanian practice of placing broken items atop Lifemend Stump to have the moogles come and fix them. Recently, however, someone has been stealing the articles left there. Travel to the stump in the forest southwest of Gridania and search for any suspicious individuals.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- Upon arriving at Lifemend Stump, you are waylaid by a trio of bandits who proclaim themselves "the Redbelly Wasps." In spite of their best efforts to ambush you, you duly subdue them. Could these be the thieves you are looking for? Question the leader of the three villains, Colbert, to learn more of their dastardly deeds.
- Colbert claims that he and the other Redbelly Wasps had no hand in the thefts at Lifemend Stump. While enumerating their other crimes, however, a slip of the tongue reveals they have abducted a young girl. Use the map they surrendered to you to find the child and save her.
- The map of the Redbelly Wasps leads you to their den, where several bandits lie unconscious on the ground. The only person present who hasn't been rendered insensible is a young girl named Raya-O-Senna. Could she have done this? She tells you that she allowed herself to be captured by the lackwit Wasps as part of her search for the thieves of Lifemend Stump. While speaking with her, the power of the Echo suddenly seizes you, and you bear witness to a mysterious scene. After the death of three great elementals, Raya-O's elder sister Kan-E expresses her intention to leave the forest and return to the city. The vision ended, Raya-O runs off before you can learn anything more from her. Go back to Stillglade Fane and speak once again to Biddy.
Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It[]
- Journal
- Louisoix, head of the Circle of Knowing, has asked you to do battle with Ifrit once more. In order to force an encounter upon the primal, you must first acquire the Inferno Lamp, an object that allows its bearer to traverse Amalj'aa aetherytes, and thereby enter the Bowl of Embers, Ifrit's sanctuary. There are two ways to obtain the item. The first is to wrest it from the hands of Flamefist Ahlygg Roh, commander of the Amalj'aa stronghold of Zahar'ak. The second is to obtain five Inferno Tapers by slaying lesser Amalj'aa at the same location, and delivering them to Louisoix. Once you possess the Inferno Lamp, make your way to Camp Broken Water in southern Thanalan, and thence head southwest to a cave, deep within which is the aetheryte that leads to Ifrit.
※ Only parties consisting of eight Disciples of War or Magic with a level of 45 or above will be permitted to battle the primal Ifrit.
※ The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※ A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- You have obtained the Inferno Lamp. Make whatever preparations you deem necessary, and then take yourself to Camp Broken Water in southern Thanalan. Once there, head southwest to a cave, deep within which is the aetheryte that leads to the Bowl of Embers, Ifrit's sanctuary.
※ Only parties consisting of eight Disciples of War or Magic with a level of 45 or above will be allowed to battle the primal Ifrit.
※The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
A Feast of Fools[]
- Journal
- Louisoix, head of the Circle of Knowing, has entreated your aid in solving the mystery of the missing moogles. Evidence suggests the answer lies within an ensorcelled ward that has manifested in the Twelveswood. In order to penetrate the ward, you must harness the power of five enchanted keystones, each of which is in the keeping of a dread beast. The five creatures can be found in the vicinity of Turning Leaf, on the southwestern edge of the Twelveswood. Upon obtaining all five keystones, you are to deliver them to the moogle Pukwa Pika, who awaits you south of Turning Leaf.
- Queen Gougou: Keystone of the Bloom
- Buata: Keystone of the Bud
- Capricious Cassie: Keystone of the Bough
- Spiteful: Keystone of the Leaf
- Great Oak: Keystone of the Trunk
- You have successfully obtained the five enchanted keystones. See them delivered safely to the moogle Pukwa Pika, who awaits you south of Turning Leaf.
- You have valiantly volunteered to investigate the ensorcelled ward in Pukwa Pika's stead. The moogle leaves you with ominous words, warning that a power nigh impossible to gauge emanates from within. Make whatever preparations you deem necessary, and then speak with Pukwa Pika once more.
※ Only parties consisting of eight Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or higher will be permitted to enter the ward.
※The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- Stepping into the heart of the ward, you soon encountered the missing moogles, but they did not appear to be in their right minds. A fierce struggle ensued, in the midst of which an enormous moogle, regal in his girth, was summoned forth. Who exactly was this so-called Good King Moggle Mog XII? Perhaps Pukwa Pika knows the answer...
- At Pukwa Pika's behest, make haste for Gridania and report all that transpired within the ward to Louisoix, who awaits at Apkallus Falls.
Taming the Tempest[]
- Journal
- Before Apkallus Falls, Archon Louisoix of the Circle of Knowing has asked that you once more challenge the wind primal Garuda in battle. To reach the Howling Eye yet again, however, will require an item akin to the vortex catcher you used previously. Louisoix believes he can create such an item, and asks that you bring him five vortex headdresses that he may do so. Travel to Natalan in the Coerthas central highlands and there slay Ixal and beast alike, in hopes of finding the items you require among their remains.
※ Only parties consisting of at least eight Disciples of War or Magic level 45 or higher will be permitted to battle the primal Garuda.
※The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- Archon Louisoix has crafted for you a handful of vortex fletchings. With it, you will be able to use the beastman aetheryte to reach Garuda's domain. Travel to the Coerthas central highlands, and find the aetheryte you seek in a cave to the northeast of Natalan. Use it to travel once more to the Howling Eye, and there put down the wind primal before her strength grows too great.
※ Only parties consisting of eight Disciples of War or Magic level of 45 or above will be allowed to battle the primal Garuda.
※The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- You have succeeded yet again in defeating the wind primal Garuda. Return to Apkallus Falls in Gridania, and regale Archon Louisoix with the tale of your latest victory.
A Relic Reborn[]
- Journal
- You meet and speak with Gerolt, a weaponsmith of great talent and repute who has fallen upon hard times due to his fondness of drink. Shamelessly exploiting the prodigious debt he owes Rowena, you coerce the man into lending you his expertise in the restoration of a relic weapon. Do as Gerolt directs if you wish to become the proud owner of a legendary arm of yore.
- According to Gerolt, the restoration process involves merging the old with the new—that is, embedding the original relic in a new host weapon. To this end, you must obtain and deliver the two objects specified.
- You have obtained and delivered the required items—a part of the relic and a new host weapon—to Gerolt. However, it would seem that the relic is in so poor a state as to render it unfit for restoration. In order to proceed, Gerolt requires that you bring him three chunks of miser's mythril, which can be found within the Aurum Vale.
- Using the chunks of miser's mythril you supplied, Gerolt reinforces the relic and successfully merges it with the host weapon. Owing to the selfsame substance, however, the weapon has hardened to such an extent as to render it impossible to add the finishing touches. In order to proceed, this time the weaponsmith requests that you bring him three pieces of alumina salts from Cutter's Cry.
- Using the pinches of alumina salts you supplied, Gerolt adds the finishing touches to your relic weapon. Even as he declares his work over, however, the man believes that there is still something incomplete about it. In order to shed light upon the mystery, Gerolt suggests that you seek out literature surrounding the hero associated with the relic. Perhaps the trader Rowena will be able to assist you in this endeavor.
- Rowena informs you that she has tracked down the literature you seek. In exchange, you must bring her the following:
- A copy of the Enchiridion, obtainable within Dzemael Darkhold.
- An Allagan band, obtainable via behests (Camp Iron Lake, Camp Broken Water, Camp Nine Ivies).
- An Oschon's finger charm, obtainable via caravan escort missions (Camp Skull Valley, Camp Drybone, Treespeak).
- You now possess literature on the hero who once wielded the relic weapon. Gerolt the weaponsmith will be keen to peruse it.
- After a cursory examination of the text, Gerolt declares that he will require some time to make sense of its contents. In the meantime, you are to familiarize yourself with the restored weapon in its current state.
- Combining information gleaned from the text with your firsthand experience, Gerolt has ascertained what must be done next. While the weaponsmith goes about his preparation, you must reenact the heroic deed of which he spoke with your relic weapon in hand.
- You have succeeded in emulating the heroic deed depicted in literature. Take word of your accomplishment back to Gerolt.
- Upon learning of your success, Gerolt declares his readiness to carry out the final stage of restoration. For this, he requires you to fetch him a white-hot ember and a howling gale, which can be obtained in the following manner:
- Defeat Ifrit in the Bowl of Embers (Extreme).
- Defeat Garuda in the Howling Eye (Hard) having fulfilled certain conditions.
※ In order to battle Ifrit in the Bowl of Embers (Extreme), you must first complete the quest "Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It."
※Only parties consisting of eight Disciples of War or Magic of level 50 will be permitted to enter the Bowl of Embers (Extreme). The area is accessible from the beastman aetheryte located southeast of Camp Broken Water.
※In order to battle Garuda in the Howling Eye (Hard), you must first accept the quest "Taming the Tempest."
※Only parties consisting of eight Disciples of War or Magic level of 45 or above will be permitted to enter the Howling Eye (Hard).
※The allotted time for each battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※A waiting time applies between challenges, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
- You now possess the two items Gerolt needs to complete your relic. Make haste back to the Hawthorne Hut, where the weaponsmith awaits.
Losing One's Thread[]
- Journal
- You are startled by the wails of Honga Vunga in the Adventurers' Guild in Gridania. It appears that the luckless Lalafell was waylaid on the road by vicious goblins, and his precious needle box stolen. Head east from Camp Tranquil and retrieve the needle box from the goblins that lurk there.
※ Up to two party members may accompany you.
- You have retrieved Honga Vunga's needle box. Return to the Adventurers' Guild in Gridania, and there bask in the weaver's unrestrained joy and gratitude.
Living on a Prayer[]
- Journal
- Speaking with Louisoix at Apkallus Falls, you are shocked to learn that, in spite of Nael van Darnus's demise, Dalamud remains on its collision course with Eorzea. In order to prevent the Seventh Umbral Era from coming to pass, the Archon bids you embark on a pilgrimage to rouse the Twelve from their slumber. Divine symbols—temporal representations of the gods graven in stone—lie scattered across the land. You are to seek them out in order and, at each location, give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation.
- Nophica, the Matron: the clearing before Stillglade Fane.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- You chance upon Papalymo and Yda at Stillglade Fane. The Lalafell explains that only a small amount of the Twelve's power is needed to stay Dalamud's descent. As a side benefit, it should also be possible to restore some lost aether to the land. So enlightened, you continue your pilgrimage to rouse the slumbering gods.
- Althyk, the Keeper: northwest of Camp Nine Ivies.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Byregot, the Builder: Pixie Falls, northwest of Camp Crimson Bark.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Rhalgr, the Destroyer: Little Ala Mhigo, south of Camp Drybone.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Azeyma, the Warden: southeast of Camp Drybone.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Nald, the Dawn Trader: Milvaneth Sacrarium.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Thal, the Dusk Trader: Arrzaneth Ossuary.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- You chance upon Thancred at Arrzaneth Ossuary. According to the bard, summoning the Twelve will cost the land dear, yet failing to do so would have far graver consequences. Should Dalamud be allowed to fall, the land would be laid waste, rendering it lifeless for all time. So enlightened, you continue your pilgrimage to rouse the slumbering gods.
- Halone, the Fury: the Fury's Gaze, west of Camp Riversmeet.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- While at the Fury's Gaze, you find yourself in unexpected company—that of Gaius van Baelsar of the XIVth Imperial Legion. According to the legatus, the men and women of the VIIth are convinced that Nael van Darnus did not perish at Rivenroad. Bent on finding their beloved leader, they have entrenched themselves at the heart of Eorzea. It would seem that a clash between the alliance and the VIIth Legion is imminent. Nevertheless, you must continue your pilgrimage to rouse the slumbering gods.
- Menphina, the Lover: Gwyr-Aen, west of Camp Crooked Fork.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Oschon, the Wanderer: northwest of Camp Iron Lake.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Llymlaen, the Navigator: western Limsa Lominsa.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- In Limsa Lominsa, you chance upon Y'shtola, who surmises from the words of Gaius van Baelsar that the VIIth Imperial Legion has occupied the southeastern expanse of Mor Dhona—the precise spot where Dalamud is projected to fall. Though hesitant to give credence to intelligence from an enemy, the Miqo'te concedes that the legatus has no reason to speak false on the matter. She declares her intention to relate the details of your exchange to the alliance leadership, and urges you to complete your task. Accordingly, you resume your pilgrimage to rouse the slumbering gods.
- Nymeia, the Spinner: southeast of Camp Bearded Rock.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- Seek out the divine symbols scattered across the land, and give fervent prayer for Eorzea's salvation at each one.
- Thaliak, the Scholar: the Crypt of Xandes, northwest of Camp Brittlebark.
※ To beseech the Twelve for Eorzea's salvation, target a divine symbol and then either select Pray from the emote list, or input the /pray text command.
- The battle for "The Raven, Nevermore" can now be initiated from the airship landing in Gridania.
The Raven, Nevermore[]
- Journal
- Behold the truth with your own eyes.
※ Only parties consisting of eight Disciples of War or Magic with a level of 45 or above will be granted entry to the area.
※ All party members must have completed the quest "Living on a Prayer."
※ The allotted time for the battle is 30 minutes (Earth time).
※ A waiting time applies between attempts, and you will not be permitted to return to the area immediately. (View the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu for more information.)
※ All action and item recast timers will be reset upon boarding the Enterprise.
- You have triumphed over a truly terrifying foe. Speak with Serpent Private Dauremant and share the joy of your victory.