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Grendel is an enemy in Final Fantasy X found in the caverns in Mt. Gagazet and in the Zanarkand Ruins (not the Dome). It is an Armored fiend, meaning weapons without the Piercing ability will do little damage. It uses Flame Ball that hits all party members for Fire damage, but it needs to charge for a turn before using it.


AI script[]

Basic pattern[]

For the first four turns, it will use Charge, followed by Flame Ball, and again Charge then Flame Ball.

After that, it will act according to this pattern (same as Valaha):

  • Physical attack (67% chance).
  • Gore followed by Charge then Flame Ball the next two turns (33% chance).

Special pattern[]

  • Facing Valefor, it will only use the Charge then Flame Ball pattern.
  • Facing any other aeon, it will always use physical attacks.
  • While subjected to Provoke, it will use Flame Ball.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Grendel FFX from FFBE enemy sprite
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Grendel is one of the three antagonists in the epic poem Beowulf. He terrorizes the mead hall, Heorot, until Beowulf comes to slay him. Said to be the descendent of Cain, he is usually depicted as a foul monster or beast.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X-2[]

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

  • Balivarha
  • Nashorn
  • Quadricorn