Final Fantasy Wiki

The grasslands is a region of Gaia in the Final Fantasy VII series. It is a northern region of the eastern continent, which includes Kalm and the mythril mines. The region is close to the city of Midgar.


In the past, there was much travel through the grasslands in the form of boats and chocobo carriages. This deteriorated over time when most goods were transported by sea or air.[1] Kalm remained the transport hub for the grasslands.[2]

The mythril mine originally served as a rich source of mythril, historically used to fashion weapons and armor. It fell out of favor with the Shinra Electric Power Company developed synthetic materials, leading the Republic of Junon to repurpose the mains as a tunnel for the general public, allowing travel from Junon to the grasslands.[3]

When Shinra and the Republic of Junon went to war, Shinra occupied Kalm, and the town remained under Shinra control ever since.[2] After the republic was defeated, the mythril mine tunnels were also abandoned.[3]


Grasslands windmills from FFVII Rebirth

Grasslands windmills in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

The grasslands (unlike the barren wasteland surrounding Midgar) comprise lush meadows with a diverse range of species, nourished by water from the streams flowing from the central mountain range. The meadows made the area very attractive to ranchers and farmers,[1] particularly Choco Bill, who owns a chocobo ranch in the grasslands.

The southern region of the grasslands around the mountain range largely comprise marshes, once used as trails for travelers.[1]


Final Fantasy VII[]


Grasslands Area in the Final Fantasy VII world map.

In Final Fantasy VII, the Grasslands Area is a portion of the world map adjacent to the Midgar Area. It is therefore the second world map region of the game, visited in "Going After Sephiroth". The area contains the Chocobo Farm, with tracks nearby to find a Chocobo, the Marshes, and the Mythril Mine.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]

Grasslands region is first visited in "A New Journey Begins" in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and is the main setting of the chapter. Its main points of interest are Kalm, Bill's ranch, and the mythril mines. However, the area is also expanded with a desert to the west of Kalm containing several mako pipelines, a flower field to the northwest, and a farm to its east.


