Gold Golem is a Soul of Rebirth enemy in Final Fantasy II. It is among the stronger enemies fought in Arubboth, boasting extremely high defenses. It is vulnerable to Lightning-elemental attacks and resists all other elements, so casting Thunder, or non-elemental damaging spells, such as Holy or Flare, is the most efficient method of taking it down. While standard physical attacks are ineffective, the Blood Sword deals fractional damage and can bypass the Gold Golem's high physical defenses. Using Thunder Spears against them is another possible option if the Thunder spell has not been leveled up on anyone. Gold Golems tend to travel either alone, in groups of two, or alongside two Chaos Riders, making the encounters even more dangerous.
Behind the scenes[]
These new species of Golem could have been inspired by the Gold Golems (appearing in the Final Fantasy series by the name of Golden Brickman), from Final Fantasy's kin series, Dragon Quest. Just like The Gold Golems from that series, this monster also drops enormous amounts of money when beaten.
Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79. It is a dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal with a bright yellow color and luster, the properties of which remain without tarnishing when exposed to air or water.
golem is an animated anthropomorphic being, magically created from inanimate matter. The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material (usually out of stone and clay) in Psalms and medieval writing. Adam, the first man created by God in the Holy Bible, was a golem since he was created from dust and sand. Having a golem servant was seen as the ultimate symbol of wisdom and holiness, with stories of prominent Rabbis owning golems throughout the middle ages. In modern times, the word golem, sometimes pronounced goilem in Yiddish, has come to mean one who is slow, clumsy, and generally dimwitted.
In Jewish and medieval folklore, a