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Godbert Manderville is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIV. A master goldsmith, he had recently acquired a seat on this Syndicate. He is the father of Hildibrand Manderville and husband to Julyan Manderville.


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn[]

Godbert Running

Godbert appears in Northern Thanalan.

Godbert is first seen at Camp Bronze Lake as a tourist resting in the hot springs. He features in several sidequests where players may assist him—up to and including rubbing salamander oil over his skin—and giving them a Meteor Survivor Ring in gratitude.

Godbert's services were needed to repair a priceless antique vase, and he was revealed to be both Hildibrand's father and a member of the Syndicate. Having been seen in Northern Thanalan where he defeated a Chimera, Godbert was drawn out when Hildibrand taught the Warrior of Light to perform the Manderville dance. When Godbert saw his son after years spent apart, he suplexed him into the ground for not informing the family of his survival. Godbert agreed to repair the vase, and refurbished it into an even fancier vase, indignant when the vase's owner pointed out the vase no longer resembled its original form.

Godbert cameos in the main scenario when the Syndicate meets to decide on the matter of allowing the Doman refugees to stay in Ul'dah. He votes against doing so.

Gotbert Hunts Ultros

Godbert chasing after Ultros.

Godbert crossed paths with his son during the events at Master Fygreis's Coliseum, taking out a chimera and then chasing after Ultros when he attempted to sneak away. Godbert came to Hildibrand's aid when the thief appeared; about to steal what was later revealed to be a replica of the Ring of Inquiry, but ended up throwing his son out of the coliseum. When they learned the thief was making for the last item at the Manderville Gold Saucer, Godbert offered his aid but suffered the wrath of his wife Julyan.

Godbert helped the Warrior of Light as they continued to investigate the phantom thief, but Julyan quickly knocked him out after he failed to protect Hildibrand from zombification. Godbert reappears after the thieves are caught, and vowed to let the truth of Ul'dah's history be known.

Godbert made a quick cameo in the 2014 Starlight Celebration seasonal event quest and assisted the Warrior of Light repair (or rather, craft anew) a boy's broken memento of his father. The boy recognized the craftsmanship of an highly skilled goldsmith whose works he had seen in his father's books, but failed to recognize its origin and believed it instead to come from the Saint of Nymeia (whom Godbert was disguised as).

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward[]

Godbert reappeared in Ishgard, conversing with Count Edmont de Fortemps. Cyr Blyme accused him of heresy, but recanted when he realized he might have to fight it physically, recalling an earlier incident involving the Warrior of Light. Learning that Nashu was searching for Hildebrand, Godbert joined the search for his ever wayward son who was not keeping in touch. Finding Hildebrand half-buried in snow in the Coerthas Western Highlands, Godbert performed the Meteor Dive Limit Break to wake him up, only to bury him deeper. He pulled Hildebrand out a second time, also pulling out the manikin Gigi in the process.

Godbert ran across Gigi again after he returned to the Western Highlands in search of the goldsmith, him and Julyan throwing snowballs at each other (and accidentally killing some of the wildlife in the process). Gigi asked Godbert to make him into a real boy, leading to the crafter to turn him into a large, musclebound specimen. He used his strength to clothesline Hildebrand in affection before his mysterious powers reset him back to normal. After Hildebrand told Godbert that he had adopted Gigi, he was overthrilled at being a grandfather, but the ran for their lives when Julyan expressed her displeasure by seemingly summoning demonic powers and causing her trademark pan to grow many times its size.

Godbert joined the other heroes in Anyx Trine in rescuing Gigi from the Grand Sers, who sought to kill Hraesvelgr with their renewed strength. He prevented Julyan from interfering and bore witness to Gigi's true power, causing him to comically lose his clothes again. When Cyr was unhappy he could not return to Ishgard due to looking up heretical tomes in search of Gigi's origins, Godbert offered to hire him, making him caretaker of Hildebrand's gazebo in Idyllshire.

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood[]

Godbert crossed paths with the heroes at the Thavnairian Consulate in Kugane along with a Sahjattra Concern Representative. They identified a mysterious powder to be an essential ingredient to create a powerful drug called dewprism, a thimble of which was enough render anyone susceptible to any and all commands.

When Godbert reappeared on the Isle of Bekko in the Ruby Sea, he was under the effect of dewprism. He was with the Sahjattra Concern Representative and met Akebono. Shortly after, Hildibrand came to try and refresh his memory, but his words fell upon deaf ears. Godbert swiftly dispatched Shigure, the Wolf Burglar, and Gilgamesh, and then turned on his masters, not discerning friend from foe. Hildibrand met his father in combat, and when he sang the song of his house, it caused his instincts to kick in and perform the Reverse Manderville Meteor Strike and drive his son into the ground.

Godbert made his formal appearance in the main scenario in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood's patch 4.1 quests, in a drastic departure from his comedic portrayal. Nanamo Ul Namo, seeking counsel from him on how to aid the recently-liberated Ala Mhigo, proposed that Ul'dah spend their wealth on giving the Ala Mhigans shelter and employment. Godbert told Nanamo to stop, noting that should Ul'dah unconditionally provide to Ala Mhigo, it would not only make them reliant on charity, but would foster resentment among Ul'dah's citizenry. He told her that she should instead help the Ala Mhigans achieve self-sufficiency, not only helping profit Ul'dah, but also strengthen relations between the two nations.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]

Godbert had gone to Radz-at-Han to discuss a deal with an up-and coming merchant. The deal was an acquisition proposal, but the talks soured and Godbert made preparations to leave. Before he could depart, the Final Days arrived and people began transforming into monsters. Godbert had tried his best to save the citizenry, but the memory of being unable to save them all haunted him, leaving him unable to work, until he heard that the Warrior of Light and the Scions had ended the Final Days at its source. This reinvigorated Godbert and he decided to forge weapons so others could protect themselves.

One of the materials he needed was manderium ore, found exclusively in meteorites. He went to the moon to locate said ore, killing a few monsters along the way. He noticed that Hildibrand had awakened from his unnatural slumber (a.k.a, when his soul was summoned to the First) and displayed his affection. When he missed twice, he realized it was a clone and spotted the real Hildibrand. He chased his son across the moon before launching both Hildibrand and Hildiclone through the air. When they hit Master Pupu's spaceship, Godbert came to the defense of the Warrior of Light, Nashu, Delion, and the Laconic Loporrit, knocking away all the junk flying at them. Once the junk was cleared and the clone dispensed, everyone returned to Radz-at-Han where Godbert discussed his plans with the Warrior of Light.

Godbert explained his inspiration for creating the Manderville weapons and revealed he recruited (a rather reluctant) Gerold to assist in forging the weapons. While Gerolt was primarily responsible for forging the main weapon, Godbert assisted in creating the finer metalworks and providing the materials specified by his ancestor, Godbrand, which included a solution infused with a drop of sweat from a Manderville. Creating the next iteration of the Manderville weapon would require time, as some of Godbrand's notes and instructions did not weather the passage of time and others were encoded.

Godbert continued to help Hildibrand find Pupu's friend, and repaired ancient ruins destroyed by the reckless creation of Brandihild in the process. As their search carried them to Garlemald, Hildibrand's assistant, Nashu, was kidnapped by Dr. Lugae. Godbert, eager to see some action, rushed off to save her. Godbert easily defeated Dr. Lugae and rescued Nashu. Returning to Radz-at-han, Godbert informed the Warrior of Light he was ready to proceed to the next step of the Manderville weapon.

Godbert's assistance to Hildibrand helped clear his mind and gave him a sense of euphoria that helped provide the inspiration for the next step. Gerolt did not experience such an epiphany and was not ready to be of assistance. Godbert, therefore, brought Gerolt out for a training battle against a Manderville mammet to provide this epiphany. Godbert lied about the mammet's capabilities. After seeing Gerolt struggle, Godbert coated the blacksmith in Salamander Oil, and Gerolt appeared to defeat the mammet. Invigorated with the thrill of victory, Gerolt understood what Godbert was attempting and was ready to forge the new weapon. Godbert privately revealed his ruse to the Warrior of Light: the mammet was set to the weakest battle settings and the oil had no magical combat-enhancing properties; he used a placebo (the oil) to help free Gerolt's hesitation of facing a challenging opponent. After forging the next level of weapon, Godbert left to continue researching his ancestor's work.

During his research, he discovered that a crucial object to the weaponry refinement was located in Labyrinthos. He traveled there and met up with everyone in Sharlayan, claiming them to be his entourage. Everyone descended to Labyrinthos and Godbert parted ways with them. He met everyone again back at Radz-at-Han, and revealed the object was a missing family relic. Pupu recognized the relic from Godbert's ancestors and activated it. The device revealed Godbrand's story about the Mandervillians, Godbert and Hildibrand's ancestors from the cosmos and founding father of House Manderville, and his wish to aid the people of the Source. Godbert accepted his family roots without question and continued his quest in the Manderville weaponry refinement after giving the Warrior of Light a gift in the form of a clockwork version of Pupu.

When Godbert was eager to continue his work, Gerolt was not and feared the disdain would have a negative effect on the weapon refinement. Godbert suggested a shared drink with Gerolt and the Warrior of Light at the Meyhane. As they drank, Gerolt expressed his disdain at Godbert's lack of passion as an artisan, calling him more of a merchant. Godbert secretly switched Gerolt's liquor with carrot juice, thought Gerolt still became drunk. After he left, Godbert admired Gerolt's sense of purpose. Once the next level of weapon was created, Godbert stated that one stage is left before the Manderville weaponry evolution can be considered completed. He departed to begin the necessary preparations.



Godbert is a male Highlander Hyur with snowy white hair and a beard. He wears a red-shaded spectacles and in public usually wears a gray coatee and black boxer shorts, while other times he wears little more than his smallclothes, showing off his muscular build. During Syndicate meetings he wears a cowl. While normally using his brute strength and wrestling skills, Godbert can also use a goldsmith's hammer as his weapon, which he can grow to a size comparable to a warhammer.


Godbert has "an aura of murderous rage", displaying superhuman strength and speed on occasion and the only person he fears is his wife Julyan. He is also kind, polite, and civic-minded, realizing that the foundation of wealth is built on the prosperity and happiness of an entire community, not just a few, and that a nation can only flourish if it is self-sufficient. Thus he supports the Starlight Celebration with funding (albeit anonymously) and runs the Manderville Gold Saucer—his goal is to bring joy and contentment to the realm as much as it is to attain financial success.

While he's often nearly as much of a comedic stooge as his son, Godbert does not share his son's lack of skill in his chosen profession. While the results are perhaps not always what the client had in mind, Godbert's skill at goldsmithing is prodigious, surpassing even Gerolt; his skill has formed the backbone of his family's modern fortune. Godbert also holds the Warrior of Light in high respect for both their heroic deeds and for being one of Hildibrand's closest allies.

Godbert also is empathetic to the plight of others. Despite Ellie's and Cecy's conspiracy to destroy Ul'Dah, he understands their justification and wants to help let the truth be known. During the second advent of The Final Days, Godbert tried to defend the civilians, but was wrought with guilt over the civilians he could not save. He was only lifted out of this guilt after hearing of the Warrior of Light's heroic deeds.

Godbert possesses a surprising amount of knowledge of the human mind and of combat. He realized that a person's greatest obstacle can be their own mind and understands how to overcome that through the use of placebo.


Godbert is a temporary playable character in the Inspector Hildibrand quest duty instance "Generational Bonding". He is armed with his Goldsmith hammer with his weaponskills patterned after a Paladin's. His Rage of Gentleman combo offers a buff called Gloves Off that gives him access to his two other attacks, Manderville Lariat, an extremely powerful AoE that deals major damage and Manderville Dropkick, a gap-closer attack that causes him to move past his target while dealing major damage. Despite having only 9999 HP (a relatively low number in Final Fantasy XIV), he has an obscene amount of magic and physical defense, receiving negligible damage from even avoidable attacks.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Portal App[]

Godbert appears as a Triple Triad card.

Behind the scenes[]

If the player finished his sidequests in Camp Bronze Lake before meeting Godbert in the Hildibrand quest, he will recognized them as "he/she of strong yet supple fingers".

Godbert is indirectly mentioned in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius in the description of the Meteor Survivor Ring, which refers to him as an "illustrious goldsmith in Eorzea".

Though he is known as a Goldsmith, his hammer is the kind of those used by Armorers.



  1. Encyclopedia Eorzea, p. 135