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Glittering Topaz is a pet spell from Final Fantasy XIV used by the Arcanist Arcanist's and Summoner Summoner's Topaz Carbuncle when summoned by Summon Topaz Summon Topaz, dealing damage to a single target.


  • Executed by Topaz Carbuncle when summoned by Summon Topaz Summon Topaz
  • Deals magic earth damage with a potency of 400 to a single target
  • Topaz Carbuncle is dismissed upon execution
Formulae Base damage formula:

Where Trait can be 1 initially or 1.1 with Maim and Mend. The exact value of the hidden trait reduction is yet unknown as of Endwalker, but a reduction of 10-20% is present.


Despite Summon Topaz's 25-yalm range, Glittering Topaz has only a 3-yalm melee range, while Topaz Carbuncle is summoned at the summoner's side. As such, Topaz Carbuncle will move within range of the target before executing, resulting in a slight delay before the damage is dealt. As Topaz Carbuncle isn't dismissed until Glittering Topaz is executed, this can inhibit the summoner's ability to use normal Carbuncle-dependent actions such as Radiant Aegis Radiant Aegis or other summons. The summoner can aleviate this by moving themselves within melee range before casting Summon Topaz, causing Topaz Carbuncle to appear within range to use Glittering Topaz.

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Patch history[]

Version Changes
  • Added with the effect of granting Stone Wall Stone Wall to the Summoner, absorbing damage equal to 20% of their max HP
  • Was instant cast with a 1.5 second oGCD cooldown, 30-yalm range and 30 second duration
  • Could only be executed when the Carbuncle was commanded by Egi Assault Egi Assault
Patch 5.1
  • Barrier potency increased to 30%
  • Completely redesigned, all previous effects removed
  • Now deal magic earth damage to a single target with a potency of 400
  • Range reduced to 3 yalms
  • Now used by Topaz Carbuncle when summoned by Summon Topaz; Topaz Carbuncle is dismissed upon use
  • Level 35 trait Topaz Summoning Mastery upgrades Glittering Topaz to Rock Buster
  • No longer appears in the Actions & Traits window, and no longer has a unique icon, instead using the default Cure Cure icon

