I'll do away with these enemy forces. Let's go!
Glaciela Wezette is a major character in War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Known as the Spearhead of Rebellion, she is the princess of Wezette and Khury Wezette's daughter by an as-yet-unnamed commoner mother. She plots her father's demise in secret.
Although a relatively minor supporting character during the first season, she can be considered the tritagonist of the game's second season, as she allies with the forces of Leonis and Hourne, and frequently appearing with Mont Leonis and Machérie Hourne in promotional material.
Glaciela is a kind and benevolent woman who look for the welfare of her people like a proper heir to the throne. She is visibly dismayed at the decaying state of her nation, a result of rampant corruption and abuse from the noble class that is perpetuated by her father Khury himself.
Being born following an affair with a concubine, Glaciela has had to fend for herself from an early age as a means to elevate her status in the battle for succession to protect her family, making her a hardened fighter. She fell in love with Mont's kindness which provided her with hope in her otherwise bleak circumstances.
Although a strong and respected leader, Glaciela can be naive and shortsighted, especially when it comes to opposing her father and his tyrannical regime. While her intentions are noble, her sense of justice can get the better of her, as she wages a civil war that escalates casualties in order to carry out her ideals. She also seems to be overly trusting, a trait that was taken advantage of in order to compromise her resistance from within to catastrophic results. This sense of trust in others can blind her judgement as she refused to believe that Mont had abandoned her and irrationally blamed Machérie for the failed siege on Wezette's Castle, believing she had hypnotized Mont to cause her demise.
It wouldn't be until battling the Hourne princess that she would learn the full truth of the events and bond with Machérie as a result of their respective hardships, and a mutual shared affection for Mont, with the two making an oath of sisterhood. Ever since, Glaciela actively looks for Machérie's well-being to which Machérie calls her a worrywart, showing a significant improvement on their relationship.
Glaciela matures as a result of her attempt at revolution, realizing the sacrifices committed to pursue her ideas of justice, feeling the weight of all the lives lost in the process. Committed to change and to improve the welfare of her people, she rejects the throne upon victory while assuring her dedication to help her nation, realizing that her actions to help her people are more important than securing a position stained with blood and corruption.
Glaciela Wezette[]
Daughter of Khury, King of Wezette. Her mother was not the queen but a maid, and many attempts have been made on her life by those aspiring to succeed the throne. She despies King Khury and is secretly assembling her own brigade in order to start a revolution.
Character description
Glaciela Wezette is a UR-rarity unit of the Water element whose main job is Valkyrie, while her sub jobs are Monk and Ninja. She can equip the following items: Spear, Helm, Armor, Accessory. Her unit cost is 80.
Her Master Ability increases her own ATK by 20% and Slash Attack Resistance by 10%. Her Limit Burst is Valkyrie Drive, which raises own Damage Limit, then deals Dmg (L) to target & Piercing & ends chain if at least 5, but increases chain effect.
Armor once worn by the former Queen of Wezette. The figure of her standing at the vanguard and fighting valiantly when war arose with the emerging kingdom of Leonis was a symbol of strength and beauty. After her death, the armor was carefully safeguarded together with such tales. Time passed and eventually the armor was bestowed upon Glaciela, who triumped over hardships to succeed the throne.
White Wolf's Armor description
Her Trust Master Reward is the White Wolf's Armor armor, which bestows HP +424, DEF +9, SPR +4, ACC +8 and the War Maiden's Cry ability, which recovers own AP & raises Slash Res for 3 turns.
Glaciela (Regalia)[]
Thank you for finding me amongst the nearly limitless choices before you. To be honest, I was worried that no one would. Yet you did, so I will do all that I can to live up to your expectations. May you continue to watch over me in times to come.
Character description
Glaciela (Regalia) is a UR-rarity unit of the Fire element whose main job is Silver-Maned Princess, while her sub jobs are White Mage and Scholar. She can equip the following items: Mace, Hat, Clothing, Accessory. Her unit cost is 100.
Her Master Ability increases Fire unit allies' Max HP by 10% and Fire Attack by 15, as well as her own Area Attack Resistance by 10, and decreases both her Non-Attack Ability Activation Time as well as her Attack Ability Activation Time by 200. Her limit burst is Dreams Come True, which significantly lowers reaction ability activation rate of targets within range for 3 turns, then deals Dmg (L) based on caster's MAG stat & bestows AP Auto-Restore (M) on self for 3 turns.
A gorgeous gown worn by generations of Wezette princesses on important state occasions. Fine gold embroidery coils across the cool transparent tones of glacial azure. When Glaciela wants to dress her best, she matches the gown with a hair clip given to her by Machérie.
Royal Wezette Dress description
Her Trust Master Reward is the Royal Wezette Dress armor, which bestows HP +466, SPR +12, CRT EVA +10 and the March of the Wolf Princess ability, which raises MAG of allies within area around self for 3 turns & raises own Magic Attack Res Piercing Rate for 3 turns.
Vision cards[]
- Dashing Over a Snowy Field
![Dashing Over a Snowy Field from WotV vision card](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/c/c9/Dashing_Over_a_Snowy_Field_from_WotV_vision_card.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20210407013546)
Dashing Over a Snowy Field.
Glaciela, daughter of King Khury of the great kingdom of Wezette. She spearheads Wezette's army, bolstered by her years of rigorous training. However, both she and her father are aware of the smoldering voices hissng in dissent of her illegitimate birthright. Unlike her father, she does not hide her emotions. This often backfires while confronting the complex political issues of the kingdom, but when deliverations reach a deadlock, she mounts her chocobo and dashes across the snowy plains alone. Many have chastised her for putting herself in such reckless danger, but she has found no other way to uncloud her mind, and so she simply ignores them.
Vision card description
Dashing Over a Snowy Field is a UR-rarity vision card with a cost of 70. At Lv. 99, its stats are HP +261, ATK +137 and MAG +80. Its Party Abilities are Pierce Attack Up 35 and Water Unit Critical Dmg Up 25. Its Bestowed Effect is AGI Up 5%. It was illustrated by SQUARE ENIX.
- Downtime
![Downtime from WotV vision card](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/b6/Downtime_from_WotV_vision_card.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20210407013609)
Glaciela and Cadia, half-sisters from the same mother. As a young girl, Glaciela would sneak away from the castle to visit her mother and take care of Cadia and her other younger siblings. It was this downtime that Glaciela treasured more than anything else.
With the passage of time came tumultuous change. The crown prince of Wezette was assassinated, and a struggle over the royal succession ensued. The shadow of assassination soon loomed over even Glaciela's mother. Forming their own private brigade, «Spirare», Glaciela and Cadia chose to dedicate their lives to battling to protect those they love. Even during the most difficult of times, Glaciela would find chances to comb Cadia's hair, something that her sister always looked forward to. For the two sisters, these moments they shared were akin to making a prayer for that beloved downtime to once more be theirs.Vision card description
Downtime is a UR-rarity vision card with a cost of 70. At Lv. 99, its stats are HP +288, ATK +126 and MAG +78. Its Party Abilities are Max HP Up 15%, Ice Attack Res Up 12 and Wind Unit Slash Attack Res Up 20. Its Bestowed Effect is Area Attack Res Up 10, and its Limited Bestowed Effects are DEF Up 10 for Glaciela Wezette only, as well as Reduces Non-Attack Ability Activation Time 200 for Cadia only. It was illustrated by SQUARE ENIX.
- Mask of Deceit
![Mask of Deceit from WotV vision card](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/4/41/Mask_of_Deceit_from_WotV_vision_card.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20210407013431)
Mask of Deceit.
Said to be like a sister to Glaciela, the dragoon Viktora is seen as a "hired hand you'll likely come to rely on" by not only Margritte and Vadim of «Rubeus», but also by Mont. But unbeknownst to them, she is in talks with Glaciela's opposition, King Khury of Wezette, hinting that she and her partner Luartha have some kind of trickery in the works.
Though she is invariably concerned with maintaining her beauty and fastidious in regards to money, her outward appearance and demeanor in conjunction with her lovely face could all be considered a "mask of deceit," crafted in order to manipulate those around her.Vision card description
Mask of Deceit is a UR-rarity vision card with a cost of 70. At Lv. 99, its stats are HP +305, ATK +125, DEX +55 and LCK +22. Its Party Abilities are Missile Attack Res Up 20 and Ice Unit Pierce Attack Up 35. Its Bestowed Effect is Man Eater Up 10, and its Limited Bestowed Effects are Pierce Attack Up 20 for Viktora and Glaciela Wezette only, as well as Wind Attack Res Up 10 and Hate Up 5 for Mont Leonis and Mont (King of Leonis) only. It was illustrated by SQUARE ENIX.
Behind the scenes[]
Glaciela was ranked 8th with 2,187 votes in the Character Popularity Poll for the global server's Six-Month Anniversary Celebration.[1]
Glaciela was ranked 8th with 894 votes in the "Who Should Get a Swimsuit" poll for the Japanese server's Second Anniversary Celebration.[2]
Regalia Glaciela was ranked 6th with 1,028 votes in the "Who Should Get a Swimsuit" poll for the Japanese server's Second Anniversary Celebration.[3]
Regalia Glaciela was ranked 3rd with 1,226 votes in the "Who Should Sit Next to Me" poll for the Japanese server's Second Anniversary Celebration.[4]
Square Enix Cafe sells a meal inspired by Glaciela, which is comprised of a spaghetti napolitan served on a blue napkin accompanied by an omelette and cheese and cheddar sauces.
They're also selling a drink inspired by her vision card Dashing Over a Snowy Field, which is comprised of blue raspberries accompanied by yogurt.
- Artwork
- Portraits
- Renders
- Other