Concept artwork for Final Fantasy XI.
The Ghidra (ハイドラ, Haidora?, lit. Hydra), also known as the Hydra, Aquaus, or Greater Hydra, is a recurring creature in the Final Fantasy series, first appearing in Final Fantasy V. It is typically a stronger variant of the Hydra in releases where both creatures are present, but in some releases replaces the Hydra entirely, taking its name for itself.
Final Fantasy V[]

The Ghidra, also known as the Aquaus, is an dragon-type enemy encountered in the Ronka Ruins alone and can also be fought in the battle with an Alchymia. It is a dangerous foe as it has Auto-Reflect and battles using Poison Breath and Lightning. It is the earliest that the Blue Magic spell, Level 4 Graviga, can be obtained, and it has the Killer Bow to steal (Ronka Ruins only). If caught by a Beastmaster's Catch ability, it will cast Earth Shaker when released (Earthquake if caught from the Alchymia battle).
Final Fantasy XI[]

The Hydra is a notorious monster that normally appears in the Wajaom Woodlands. It can also appear in Nyzul Isle. Hydras are unique in that dealing a critical hit may sever one of its three heads, denying it access to certain abilities and removing innate buffs they carry. They also enrage upon dropping below 25% HP.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
The Hydra is a boss encountered in A Relic Reborn: the Hydra as part of the relic weapon questline. Part of the challenge from the battle comes from players needing to use their unfinished relic weapon against the Hydra in order to complete the quest.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]

The Greater Hydra, also known as the Hydra, is a stronger version of the Hydra, having Tri-Attack in addition to the Tri-Flame attack which can hit upwards to three times.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

The Greater Hydra from Final Fantasy Tactics, using the name Ghidra, appears as a boss and enemy during the "In the Name of Love" crossover event.
Mobius Final Fantasy[]

World of Final Fantasy[]

The Ghidra is an enemy and obtainable Mirage that can be found in The Crystal Tower. It can be transfigured from a Bihydra after level 22 or switched to an Trihyde board after level 35.
Behind the scenes[]
The Ghidra often appears alongside or in place of the Hydra, whose Japanese name also literally translates to "Hydra". The Hydra's Japanese names (ヒュドラ, Hyudora? or ヒドラ, Hidora?) are more accurate pronunciations for "Hydra" in Japanese, being pronounced more like "heedra" and more closely resembling the original Greek pronunciation. Ghidra's Japanese name (ハイドラ, Haidora?) derives from the English pronunciation of "Hydra", and also has a double meaning, as the first part of the name is pronounced the same as the word "high", which is why Ghidra appears as a stronger version of the Hydra—it is a "High Hydra".
Hydra was one of the spawn of Echidna, a many-headed serpentine monstrosity in Ancient Greek mythology. It could breathe poison, and indeed its very blood was deadly. The Hydra was killed as one of Heracles's Twelve Labors.
TheGhidra, also known as "King Ghidorah," is an enemy monster in the Godzilla series. Typically, Ghidra is Godzilla's fiercest opponent, and it usually fights against humanity.