Gesper is a Triple Triad card in Final Fantasy VIII used to play the minigame and for turning into items with Quezacotl's Card Mod. Gesper is the seventh card in the inventory, a basic Level 1 Monster Card.
Being a Level 1 card, the card values on the Gesper are not strong. Its value placement may also be useful for games that use Same and/or Plus.
The Gesper monster has a 3.5% chance to drop the card. Using the Card command on a Gesper has a 93.7% chance to procure a Gesper card when it succeeds.
Any AI Triple Triad player who uses Level 1 cards has a chance of using Gesper in a play, from where the player can win it in a card match.
The man in the 2F elevator hall in Balamb Garden at the very start of the game, right after Squall meets Selphie, gives Squall a starter Triple Triad deck when spoken to. Gesper is part of the starter deck.
Card Mod[]
One Gesper card refines into a Black Hole with Quezacotl's Card Mod ability. This is a good item to get early, as it teaches Quistis one of her best Blue Magics, Degenerator. Black Holes further refine into Demi spells (Time Mag-RF), so it is good to collect Gesper cards for that purpose as well.
Physical version[]
In 1999, following the release of Final Fantasy VIII in Japan, Bandai produced a full set of collectible Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy VIII Carddass Masters Perfect Visuals. The set was made up of the 110 cards as seen in the game along with 72 artwork cards and a collector's edition playing mat. The cards have a blue side and a red side. The cards have become a rare collector's item.