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Genji Shield is an accessory in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. One of the ultimate accessories in the game, it provides Zack with permanent Barrier and MBarrier effects, absorbs all elemental attacks, and prevents all negative status effects. It is one of four Genji equipment pieces in Crisis Core, along with the Genji Helm, Genji Armor, and Genji Glove.


Genji Shield can be obtained by impressing the Magic Pot in "M7-6-6: The Determined Recruiter", after already obtaining the Magic Pot's Digital Mind Wave attack. In the mission, the Magic Pot is found as a random encounter in the dungeon, meaning the player will need to trigger it by running in and out of spots where enemies spawn.

The Magic Pot requires a combination of the attacks Gil Toss, Costly Punch, an attack dealing 99,999 damage, and Octaslash. The first three are easily achievable with the right equipment: equipping Gil Toss and Costly Punch along with an accessory that breaks the damage limit (Brutal or Genji Glove) allows these conditions to be met, and Costly Punch can be used both for its own attack and the 99,999 damage attack. Octaslash depends on chance; however, equipping two Octaslash materia makes this much more achievable.


Genji Shield outclasses the Ribbon, Super Ribbon, all accessories providing elemental absorption, Moon Bracer, Shining Bracer, and Protect Ring. It also renders no need for the Elemental Ward and Status Ward materia (along with any associated magic materia providing said elements or statuses to be resisted), the Barrier, MBarrier, and Wall materia, as well as Esuna. This means the Genji Shield's main use is being extremely slot-efficient, allowing Zack to use equipment slots for other accessories, and also use more offensive magic materia.

Genji Shield provides an enormous amount of protection, but its status protection is its most useful component. This is because many statuses can cripple Zack, and particularly Death can end battles. However, elemental absorption also makes several later missions much less challenging as some enemies will heal Zack. Genji Shield does not negate a need to boost Zack's HP, or his other defensive stats, and the player should still prioritize boosting these when using Materia Fusion for later fights rather than consider Genji Shield a substitute.

Etymology and origin[]

The surname of Genji refers to the onyomi reading of the Minamoto Clan. Minamoto was a surname commonly bestowed on the children of the Emperor who were not eligible for the throne. According to history and legend, they were most active in the days of the late Heian era, and were samurai who became known as the fighters of evil and keepers of peace. The time was said to have been fraught with disorder and anarchy. Many future samurai claim lineage from the clan, including Miyamoto Musashi and Tokugawa Ieyasu who were subject of literary discourse from The Tale of Genji, which follows royal figures, to The Tale of the Heike, focusing on the major figures and the events of the Genpei War.

Genji is also a short period in Japanese history, lasting only a single year from 1864–1865.
